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Oropharyngeal cancer incidence and mortality rising in nearly all 50 states, reports new national study


根据休斯敦德克萨斯大学健康科学中心的研究人员的一项新研究,男性的口咽癌发病率在几乎所有50个州以及居住在中西部和东南地区的州的妇女中仍在迅速上升。休斯顿乌西卫生) School of Public Health inJAMA耳鼻喉科颈部手术

In addition, the investigators found that the number of people diagnosed with large tumors as well as the death rate has increased in the last decade.

“Our study is the first to assess comprehensively oropharyngeal cancer incidence and mortality trends in all 50 states according to demographics as well as tumor characteristics at diagnosis,” saidAshish A. Deshmukh,该研究的高级作者兼管理,政策与社区卫生部的高级作者兼副教授,以及UTHealth公共卫生学院卫生服务研究中心副主任。beplay苹果手机能用吗

“男性口咽癌的上升是有记录在公共卫生方面的问题。不幸的是,中西部和东南部的妇女也越来越受到这种疾病的困扰。” Deshmukh说。


“The marked increases in incidence among elderly men and advanced-stage tumors, as well as the concurrent increase in mortality in the last decade, are troubling,” said Haluk Damgacioglu, PhD, the study’s lead author and a postdoctoral fellow at UTHealth School of Public Health.

The investigators used the U.S. Cancer Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics (death certificate data), and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program incidence-based mortality data file to examine oropharyngeal cancer incidence and mortality by demographics, tumor characteristics at diagnosis, and geography in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.


在男性中,除阿拉斯加和怀俄明州外,所有州口咽癌的发病率都增加。哥伦比亚特区的发病率也没有上升。在年度最明显的前15个州中,有8个位于中西部,三个位于东南部。中西部国家是南达科他州(6%);堪萨斯州(4.7%);爱荷华州(4%);俄亥俄州(3.7%);印第安纳州(3.6%);明尼苏达州(3.5%);密苏里州(3.4%); and Nebraska (3.4%). The Southeast states are Kentucky (3.9%), West Virginia (3.8%) and Tennessee (3.8%). For women, a marked rise was also concentrated in these Southeast and Midwest states: Louisiana (3.1%), Kentucky (2.7%), Arkansas (2.6%), Mississippi (2.4%), Maryland (1.2%), and North Carolina (1.3%) in the Southeast; Indiana (2.4%), Ohio (2.2%), Iowa (2.0%), and Missouri (1.3%) in the Midwest.

在2001 - 2017年期间,诊断为大肿瘤的男性口咽癌病例每年增长超过4%。在2006年至2017年之间,男性口咽癌死亡率每年也增加了2%以上。

“超过70%的口咽癌病例是caused by HPV, and more than 90% of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers could be potentially prevented if the current generation of adolescents receives the recommended number of HPV vaccine doses,” Damgacioglu said.

由研究合着者和Utbeplay苹果手机能用吗health休斯顿助理教授Kalyani Sonawane博士领导的先前研究表明,中西部和东南部的州在该国拥有一些最低的HPV疫苗接种率,至少有55%的未接种青少年的父母是犹豫不决的。启动HPV疫苗接种。


休斯顿乌西卫生coauthors include Yenan Zhu, MS; David R. Lairson, PhD; Bijal A. Balasubramanian, MBBS, PhD; and Ruosha Li, PhD. Anna R. Giuliano, PhD, of the Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida, was also a coauthor.

该研究的标题为“ 2001 - 2017年美国所有50个州的口咽癌发病率和死亡率趋势”,该研究得到了国家癌症研究所(R01CA232888)和美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of National Institutes of National Institutes of National Cancer Institute(R01CA232888)的支持)(R01CA232888)(R01CA232888)(R01CA232888)。K01MD016440)。


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