
Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)


Retired pharmacist with Huntington’s disease participates in clinical trials at UTHealth Houston

希望推进科学,2014年被诊断出患有亨廷顿氏病的乔恩·霍夫曼(Jon Huffman)已与休斯顿(Uthealth Houston)一起参加了由艾琳·弗尔(Erin Furr)刺激的多项研究。(照片由帕特里夏·霍夫曼(Patricia Huffman)提供)
希望推进科学,2014年被诊断出患有亨廷顿氏病的乔恩·霍夫曼(Jon Huffman)已与休斯顿(Uthealth Houston)一起参加了由艾琳·弗尔(Erin Furr)刺激的多项研究。(照片由帕特里夏·霍夫曼(Patricia Huffman)提供)

Three generations of Jon Huffman’s family have suffered Huntington’s disease – a rare, inherited, ultimately fatal disease that causes the progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain and is best known for the associated involuntary movements, as well as cognitive and psychiatric symptoms.

因此,这并不令他36岁的妻子乔恩(Jon)或帕特里夏·霍夫曼(Patricia Huffman)特别惊讶,当时乔恩(Jon)在2007年左右开始表现出神经退行性疾病的症状。

“When Jon was driving, he’d have a heavy foot that would brake often,” Patricia said. “He would also lose control of his hands and become irritable.”

However, it wasn’t until the couple’s two college-aged sons started developing romantic relationships that Jon and Patricia, who had known about Jon’s family history with Huntington’s disease since they started dating in college, grew more concerned about younger generations inheriting the disease and decided to get Jon tested. In 2014, Jon was officially diagnosed with Huntington’s disease.

As retired pharmacists, the Huffmans were curious about recent scientific advancements in the field, and Jon signed up for a clinical trial at one local institution, testing the effectiveness of a drug in improving Huntington’s disease symptoms. Ultimately, the trial proved unsuccessful, but that didn’t stop Jon from wanting to participate in others.

“I’ve never feared testing,” Jon said. “It feels like you make a difference.”

He made his way toUTHealth Houston2018年,参加了本地领导的多项试验Erin Furr Stimming,医学博士,美国亨廷顿疾病协会(HDSA)卓越中心休斯顿神经科学卓越中心,以及麦戈文医学院的神经病学教授,休斯顿麦戈文医学院。

“We are proud to have a HDSA Level 1 Center of Excellence designation, which means we provide multidisciplinary Huntington’s disease-specific care not only in Houston but in other Texas cities such as Lubbock, San Antonio, Austin, and Waco, in collaboration with out partnering sites. Our goal is to expand Huntington’s disease care and awareness throughout the state of Texas,” Furr Stimming said. “We are honored to be a site for multiple clinical trials as a result of our robust Huntington’s disease clinic. While research is absolutely independent of clinical care, it’s important that our patients and their families have the opportunity to participate in research, if and when they express interest and qualify.”

Over the past few years, Jon enrolled in multiple studies at the center, including Enroll-HD – a worldwide observational study that includes more than 20,000 participants in four continents. Jon’s information was entered into a dataset that is being used to analyze various outcomes in individuals living with or at risk for Huntington’s disease.


“With our scientific backgrounds, we understand that science is discovery, and scientists are still learning so much information about this disease,” Patricia said. “There’s no cure yet, but we hope there’s enough discovery going on that there will be something in the future.”


Furr Stimming said discoveries like these will ultimately help health care providers offer better treatment options for patients with the disease while parallel, interventional studies are performed to test various therapeutic strategies in an attempt to slow or halt disease progression.


这对夫妇(现已成立的儿子都对该疾病进行了阴性,因此不会将其传递给孩子 - 与地方,地区和国家亨廷顿疾病社区深深相关。他们倡导了《高清均等法》,该法将放弃两年的医疗保险等待期,并放弃该疾病患者的五个月福利等待期。

Jon and Patricia also stay active, taking dance lessons at a dance studio in Katy. They recently competed in a regional dance event, dedicating their performance to Marjorie Guthrie, the late wife of music legend Woody Guthrie, who was instrumental in raising awareness for Huntington’s disease.

When he isn’t dancing with his wife, Jon likes to walk his dog around the neighborhood every day.

“I have slurred speech, so when I walk my dog, people will ask if I’m OK. Yes, I am OK,” Jon said. “You should never fear Huntington’s disease.”

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