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马克·伯里什(Mark Burish),医学博士,博士assistant professor in the Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
马克·伯里什(Mark Burish),医学博士,博士assistant professor in the Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston


一组研究人员beplay苹果手机能用吗马克·伯里什(Mark Burish),医学博士,博士休斯顿Uthealth Huston的McGovern医学院Vivian L. Smith神经外科部门的助理教授,进行了群集头痛问卷,这是一项基于Internet的,基于Internet的调查,对1,604名参与者,患有集群头痛。调查的结果最近发表在Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain

丛集性头痛是一种罕见的障碍,头痛的职业rring in about one in every 1,000 individuals. They are extremely painful and occur in cyclical patterns known as cluster periods, with most attacks taking place at the same time each day. Cluster headache is diagnosed as “episodic” when the attacks occur in periods lasting between seven days and one year and are separated by pain-free periods lasting three months or longer. Meanwhile, in “chronic” cluster headache, attacks occur for more than one year without remission or with remissions lasting less than three months.




Significantly, pediatric onset was found in 27.5% of survey participants, but only 15.2% of participants with pediatric onset were diagnosed before the age of 18.

While the reasons behind this trend remain unknown, Burish has come up with several theories based on conversations with pediatric neurologists, patients, and their parents. Family members and doctors are not recognizing it because it is rare, and patients are not being referred to the appropriate specialists. Also, features of cluster headache in children could be different than they are in adults, considering that there are small differences between children and adults in other headaches like migraine.



  • While previous studies have shown that women are more likely to have migraines between ages 10 and 50, the inverse is true for cluster headaches: Men were more likely to have episodic cluster headache between ages 10 and 50. The sex ratio was approximately equal for other ages.
  • 绝大多数受访者至少有一种症状具有自主神经系统的反应,例如红眼或鼻塞(99.0%)(99.0%),并且躁动不安(96.6%),但许多人也具有原型的偏头痛特征,包括对光和光和光的敏感性。声音(50.1%),疼痛因体育活动加剧(31.4%)或恶心和呕吐(2​​7.5%)。
  • Interestingly, the first-line medications for acute treatment (oxygen) and preventive treatment (calcium channel blockers) were perceived as significantly less effective in chronic cluster headache compared with episodic cluster headache.


Burish说:“与没有家族病史的患者相比,患有聚类头痛的患者的患者的头痛似乎是从年轻的年龄开始的,” Burish说。“在遗传学中,这称为'预期',这表明可能存在一个基因或基因。识别这些基因可能是群集头痛的巨大突破。”

其他研究人员beplay苹果手机能用吗包括Uthealth公共卫生学院生物统计学和数据科学系副教授Hongyu Miao,博士学位;联合首先的作者Larry I. Schor博士和马萨诸塞州的Stuart M. Pearson与西乔治亚大学一起;以及佛蒙特大学的医学博士Robert E. Shapiro博士。Wei Zhang博士是Uthealth公共卫生学院生物统计学和数据科学系的助理教授,也是研究团队的一部分。beplay苹果手机能用吗

该研究获得了Automanic Technologies,Inc。和ClusterBusters的资金支持。

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