
Doctor of Nursing Practice

Cizik Uthealth护理学院DNP计划美国新闻和世界报告排名


  • 录取条款:Fall only
  • 信用要求:34-50
  • Enrollment Mode:杂交/混合;学生满足连续两哒ys, three times a semester
  • 注册水平:Part-time; complete in eight (8) semesters
  • 估计总成本:$ 16,536(基于NP/CNS选项)

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)是一个练习博士学位这为临床学者准备以杰出的领导力和创新的循证循证/人口为中心的护理和医疗保健服务,从而改善了护理系统并影响患者的结果。该计划的重点是跨专业的合作,并在质量改进和安全方面发展能力,从而增强对患者,家庭,提供者和组织重要的结果。

The DNP program is a post-master’s program这承认了护士从业者,临床护士专家,认证的护士麻醉师(CRNA),护士董事和专注于信息学的护士。兼职计划提供了适应工作专业人员的灵活性。请注意,有兴趣成为护士麻醉师的预先准备的护士应审查BSN-DNPin Nurse Anesthesia信息。

The DNP program is the highest ranked in Texas and was the first DNP program created in the state. The campus is located in the Texas Medical Center where student enjoy the resources of a distinguished academic health science center within the world’s largest medical center.



  • 护士从业者/临床护士专家
  • 护士主管s
  • 护士麻醉师
  • 护士信息家


课程 # Course Title 小时
Year 1 - Fall
N6801 高级实践的学术基础 3
N6847 组织和系统领导质量改进和系统思维 3
Year 1- Spring
N6807 基于证据的实践原则 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6820 Data Analysis and Evaluation 3
1年 - 夏天
N6808 翻译科学 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6858 w 改善医疗保健的信息系统/技术 3
第二年 - 秋天
N6802 卫生政策,政治和道德 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6851 医疗保健业务 2
第二年 - 春季
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6840 b DNP Preceptorship I for Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Nurse Specialists 2
N6842 a 医疗保健交付的创新和过渡 2
Year 2 - Summer
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6841 b DNP教育II专门用于护士从业者和临床护士专家 2
N6845 Practice Management 2
Year 3 - Fall
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6860 a DNP高级研讨会I 2
N6860 b DNP奖学金i 2
3年级 - 春季
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6870 A DNP高级研讨会II 2
N6870 B DNP奖学金iI 2
全部的 42

领导对于重新设计和执行新的医疗保健系统至关重要,以满足社会保健的社会需求。UTHealth DNP计划为护士/董事准备塑造和影响医疗保健中首选的未来。护士行政计划的毕业生已准备好在组织和系统中高级执行领导职位,以通过创新的基于证据的实践和资源管理来提高人口和社区的护理和成果的质量和成本效益。

课程 # Course Title 小时
Year 1 - Fall
N6801 高级实践的学术基础 3
N6847 组织和系统领导质量改进和系统思维 3
Year1 - Spring
N6807 基于证据的实践原则 3
N6820 Data Analysis and Evaluation 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
1年 - 夏天
N6808 翻译科学 3
N6858 w 改善医疗保健的信息系统/技术 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
第二年 - 秋天
N6851 医疗保健业务 2
N6802 卫生政策,政治和道德 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
第二年 - 春季
N6850 执行领导,人力资源,交付系统和团队 2
N6840 c DNP主管I 2
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
Year 2 - Summer
N6852 Organizational Performance Standards, Quality, and Safety 2
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6841 C DNP Preceptorship II for Nurse Executives 2
Year 3 - Fall
N6860 a DNP高级研讨会I 2
N6860 b DNP奖学金I护士高管 2
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
3年级 - 春季
N6870 A DNP高级研讨会II 2
N6870 B DNP奖学金II护士高管 2
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
全部的 42

护理信息学是将护理科学与多个信息和分析科学整合在一起的专业,以识别,定义,管理和传达护理实践中的数据,信息,知识和智慧。UTHealth DNP课程是专门为护士信息家设计和量身定制的,并且是德克萨斯州唯一同类计划。

课程 # Course Title 小时
Year 1 - Fall
N6801 高级实践的学术基础 3
N6847 组织和系统领导质量改进和系统思维 3
Year1 - Spring
N6807 基于证据的实践原则 3
N6820 Data Analysis and Evaluation 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
1年 - 夏天
N6808 翻译科学 3
N6858W 改善医疗保健的信息系统/技术 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
第二年 - 秋天
N6802 卫生政策,政治和道德 3
N6851 医疗保健业务 2
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
第二年 - 春季
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
N6840 i DNP Preceptorship I in Informatics 2
BMI6328 W Health Care Delivery in an EHR-Enabled Environment 3
Year 2 - Summer
BMI6370 W Advanced Standards and Terminologies in Nursing and HI 3
N6841 I DNP教育II信息学 2
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
Year 3 - Fall
N6860 a DNP高级研讨会I 2
N6860 b DNP奖学金i 2
BMI6301 w 健康数据显示 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
3年级 - 春季
N6870 A DNP高级研讨会II 2
N6870 B DNP奖学金iI 2
BMI6340 w 健康信息可视化 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
全部的 50
课程 # Course Title 小时
Year 1 - Fall
N6801 高级实践的学术基础 3
N6847 组织和系统领导质量改进和系统思维 3
Year 1 - Spring
N6807 基于证据的实践原则 3
N6820 Data Analysis and Evaluation 3
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
1年 - 夏天
N6808 翻译科学 3
N6858 w 改善医疗保健的信息系统/技术 3
第二年 - 秋天
N6860 b DNP奖学金I(120小时) 2
N6860 a DNP高级研讨会I 2
N6830 w 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
第二年 - 春季
N6870 B DNP奖学金II(120小时) 2
N6870 A DNP高级研讨会II 2
Year 2 - Summer
N6802 卫生政策,政治和道德 3
N6851 医疗保健业务 2
N6830 w 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
Year 3 - Fall
N6860A DNP高级研讨会I 2
N6870 B DNP奖学金iI 2
N6830 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
3年级 - 春季
N6870 A DNP研讨会II 2
N6830 w 临床奖学金组合建议 1*
全部的 34


Note: if a student has taken N6807 in their master’s program, it meets the requirement for the course in the DNP program.

Course numbers ending in “W” denote courses that are web-based or mainly online that may require some campus visits.

Course numbers ending in “D” denote courses that are taught through distance education and include a distance education fee.

以“ B”结尾的课程编号表示临床的课程,包括额外的费用。

咨询目录for course descriptions, details about preceptorship and fellowship experiences, methods of teaching, and prerequisites. The Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston reserve the right to withdraw courses at any time, to change fees or tuition, calendar, curriculum, degree requirements, graduation procedures, and any other requirements affecting students. Changes will become effective whenever the proper authorities so determine and will apply to both prospective students and those already enrolled.


临床奖学金组合(CSP)is the DNP equivalent to a dissertation. It is a collection of required components that demonstrates a student’s scholarship as a clinical scholar practicing at the highest level of advanced practice. It provides evidence of competency in all domains of DNP practice. The CSP includes a major DNP Project, comprehensive cases studies, and other examples of scholarly work related to the competencies outlined in the American Association of College of Nursing (AACN) DNP Essentials.





鼓励对DNP奖学金感兴趣的学生提交Cizik护理学院Scholarship Application申请入学。


  • 获取世界上最大医疗中心的资源和专家
  • 在线课程,集中校园课程
  • 能够攻读学位的能力,同时保持全职工作
  • The DNP project may be conducted in your work environment or with community partners
  • Students have access to clinical partnerships with Magnet and other high level clinical facilities
  • Nationally recognized faculty with expertise and broad experience in advanced clinical practice, leadership, informatics, and quality improvement and safety
  • 学生在整个DNP计划中都有顾问/导师






Candiance E Duplessis,学士学位

Senior Administrative Coordinator, Doctoral Programs (电子邮件

Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston reserve the right to withdraw courses at any time, to change fees or tuition, calendar, curriculum, degree requirements, graduation procedures, and any other requirements affecting students. Changes will become effective whenever the proper authorities so determine and will apply to both prospective students and those already enrolled.
