Andrew Peters, MD, PhD

Andrew Peters, MD, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Dr. Andrew Peters studied biomedical engineering at Texas A&M University focused on vascular fluid mechanics and pulmonary vascular disease. After a more technical internship in mechanical engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen, he matriculated into the MD/PhD program at UT Houston. He looked into nanotechnology before moving into medical genetics focusing on cell signaling and aortic disease. He gained clinical experience in vascular surgery at WHC/GUH residency program before moving back to research where he continues to follow his pulmonary and critical care interests.


MD, PhD, University of Texas at Houston, 2017

B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2009


Harry Karmouty-Quintana, PhD

Research Description

彼得斯博士研究聚氨酯相关肺部疾病lmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and COVID-19 infections attempting to understand the pathologic process and establish better treatment strategies. For PAH, he works to understand current pharmacologic therapies that may be better applied to patient therapy. For COVID-19, he seeks to understand the pathologic process so we can pursue better therapeutic strategies for severely sick patients.