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All clinics performing POCT tests must notify the Clinical Safety Coordinator when they plan to begin testing or add additional tests.

For purposes of quality and performance, UT Physicians (UTP) is standardizing POCTs so that all the clinics use the same product.

CLIA Categories / Tests Performed at UT Physicians (UTP)

  1. Waived- 简单的测试,结果不正确的风险较低。UTP诊所表现豁免测试被添加到一个UTP CLIA证书中,必须遵循制造商的说明,执行,质量控制和相关日志的文档,并参与熟练度测试。质量控制日志必须每月提交给临床安全协调员进行审查。


    1. Rapid Influenza A/B – BD Veritor Influenza
    2. Rapid Strep A – BD Veritor Strep A
    3. Rapid RSV – BD Veritor RSV
    4. 尿液分析量强壮 - 西门子10SG带西门子Clinteck Plus分析仪
    5. HCG怀孕 - (目前尚未标准化)
    6. 指尖血糖 - 血糖201
    7. Hemoglobin A1c – DCA Vantage or Afinon AS 100
    8. Infectious Mononucleosis – not standardized at this time
    9. PT/INR - 目前尚未标准化

  2. 提供者绩效显微镜(PPM)- PPM程序是医疗保健提供者在患者办公室就诊期间通常进行的某些中等复杂性显微镜测试。

    1. 湿坐骑,包括阴道,宫颈或皮肤标本的制剂
    2. All potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparations
    3. Pinworm examinations
    4. 蕨类测试
    5. Post-coital direct, qualitative examinations of vaginal or cervical mucous
    6. Urinalysis, microscopic only or in combination with dipstick; two or three glass test
    7. 粪便白细胞检查
    8. 精液分析;精子的存在和/或运动不包括Huhner
    9. 嗜酸性粒细胞的鼻涂片。

  3. 中度和高复杂性

    Some clinics perform CBC tests, and are responsible for meeting all the requirements of CLIA and accreditation. EHS does not currently have a program to assist clinics obtaining a certification above PPM/Waived.

所有质量控制(QC)日志都可以在Clinical Resources
