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由Emin Saglamer撰写

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穿好衣服后,离开房子之前,请照镜子,至少拿走一件事。- 可可香奈儿

The Age of the Fitness Tracker

FitbitI have been a devout follower of theFitbit氏族三年多。如果您在这个时间范围内一直在岩石上Fitbitis the manufacturer of the popular fitness wearable that monitors and records the wearer’s steps taken, distance traveled, floors climbed, minutes active and heart rate on some devices. What sets this new breed of fitness trackers apart is their ability to collate and upload the collected user data to the cloud through user’s mobile phone or computer. Users can either privately monitor their fitness goals or share their accomplishments with friends and encourage each other online.

Pedometers, analog and digital, have been around for quite some time. However, the trend of tracking one’s training stats online and sharing the data with a community is strictly a child of the social media era – a timeframe in our civilization where no information is too small or too private to be shared online with friends and the public.

In 2006, one of the first successful exercise tracker community portals was Nike’s for their Nike+ for iPod/iPhone. This idea was soon replicated and further developed by other websites such as the DailyMile.com. The second generation of exercise tracking portals provided additional features such as GPS data storage, weight tracking, meal planning and exercise logs that allowed users to manually enter their exercise regimens.

A decade later, there are several providers of fitness tracking devices and corresponding online communities such asFitbit, Jawbone, Under Armor, Garmin, Misfit, Microsoft and Samsung to name a few. As mobile devices became an integral part of our daily lives, tracking software also transitioned from being primarily accessed from a desktop computer to being almost entirely accessed from mobile devices such as phones and tablets.

The Age the Smart Watch

Apple WatchAndroid Wear软件平台的引入和2014年相应的硬件开辟了广泛采用的可穿戴智能设备时代。摩托罗拉,三星,LG,化石,HTC,华为和Tag Heuer是Android Wear硬件制造商合作伙伴计划中的一些公司。随着摩托罗拉(Motorola)的Moto 360 Watch推出,在苹果公司(Apple)的竞争对手产品Apple Watch于2015年不久之后,Smart Watch的时代正式到达。

SBMI在2014年购买了Moto 360代1。我们很难弄清楚如何测试需要个人用途来衡量功能但属于学校的设备。也许比我们原本打算晚了一点,我两个月前勉强地参加了比赛,目前我穿着一款Moto手表。

Moto 360Moto 360 Gen 1本质上是数字手表以及通知中心和健康跟踪器。它不是独立的通信设备,而是手机/平板电脑的扩展。Moto 360通过稳定的蓝牙无线连接从手机/平板电脑接收更新。当您的手机/平板电脑馈送Moto 360通知时,Moto 360会振动并显示手腕上的通知。您可以在手表面上阅读快速摘要或完整的即时消息 /电子邮件。您还可以审查应用程序中的通知,然后驳回或采取行动;手表面的双击将启动启动手机/平板电脑通知的应用程序。

The Moto 360 watch face is a round, touch sensitive display. The watch face is usually turned off when idle and only turns on when the owner interacts with the watch. There are settings to make the watch face stay turned on permanently but this comes at the expense of battery life.

Hands touching Moto 360触摸敏感的显示和解释触摸手势的相应软件是一个人如何通过Moto 360上的应用程序的用户界面导航。还有一个皇冠按钮可用于触发显示屏。Moto 360还具有用于Google Now的麦克风和其他可以处理语音命令的应用程序。有一个通知模式以及剧院模式,如果需要,可以将手表置于寂静的黑暗状态。

对于健身爱好者,Moto 360具有一系列跟踪运动的陀螺仪传感器,用于计算步骤和距离。手表下还有一个心跳传感器,可以测量每分钟的心跳。Moto 360捕获的所有健康和健身数据流入Google Fit和Moto Body应用程序中,并预装了手表。这些数据也可以与Android平台用户的这些应用程序的云版本同步。


The battery life is respectable -- a full charge will last a whole day. Most evenings when I place it back on the charger, Moto 360 still has about 30-40% charge left on it. These numbers will vary of course with the habits of each owner.

观看日历摩托360是已经安装了一些软件: Agenda, Contacts, Google Fit, and Moto Body. There are also several other apps you can download from the Google Play App store and install on your watch such as Calendar, Compass, and additional watch faces with feature visualizations for your fitness data or daily meeting schedules.

Android Wear还具有Google Now,该手表可以从语音命令中查询Google并在Moto 360手表面上显示结果。

What I found to be convenient about the Moto 360 / Android Wear platform is that as advertised, I can catch up on notifications within split seconds without interrupting what I am doing currently. With my phone or tablet, I have to take out the device, turn it on, enter my passcode, navigate to notifications or launch the app that sent the notification.

Moto 360 can also be used as a controller for music player apps that I found to be very convenient in the car because my iPhone is not connected to my car stereo through Bluetooth. I was able to control playback, change tracks and modify the volume all from my watch and without having to navigate. Moto 360 knew I was playing music and the controls for music were already minimized towards the bottom of the watch face.


Moto 360 Synched with Android vs. IOS

The capabilities of the Moto 360 are dependent on whether it is used with an Android device or an IOS device. When Moto 360 was first deployed there was no IOS support. With the introduction of Android Wear app for IOS it became possible to use the Moto 360 with iPhones.

While the IOS Android App and the corresponding link between IOS devices and Moto 360 works and works well, you are limited to a shorter list of applications on your watch and some of the functionality is different.

When I had the Moto 360 linked to my Android Tablet, several apps were sending information and passing on different kinds of information to Moto 360. For example, when my home security camera detected movement, it would send a still picture from the camera to the Moto 360. While I have the same Nest Cam App on my IOS, it only sends text notifications – no picture.

The Android Wear app on Android has a marketplace with several apps for the Moto Watch and dozens of watch faces to download and try. On the IOS version of the Android Wear app, the features and apps are limited and there’s no Moto 360 app marketplace. I especially missed the calendar app when synched to IOS. The biometric data Moto 360 collects neatly trickles to Android Google Fit and Moto Body apps. Moto Body and Google Fit applications are completely missing in IOS at the moment making all the data captured by your Moto 360 trapped inside the watch with nowhere to go. There’s no way to extract, analyze, visualize or share this data with anyone while using the watch with the IOS platform.

我永远无法获得我的Outlook日历来显示在Moto 360上,因为它仅从Google日历中拉出。对于Android和iOS同步版本都是如此。显然,有一些机会在该领域进行完善和开发。

Where Do We Go from Here?

Watch conceptsIn 2016, we are no longer just limited to a few options in terms of smart watches. Most first generation designs have been replaced by second and third generation versions with many improvements. Companies like Motorola learned from their mistakes (first generation Moto 360s came with a very weak processor) and equipped their subsequent product lines with beefed up a processor, snappier response rates and displays that are easier to view in daylight.


随着可穿戴设备市场的增长,我们会的more than likely find more wearable smart devices clinging to our bodies. Bluetooth connected headphones are already everywhere. On any given day, I am walking around with a smart watch, a fitness tracker (I could never give up my Fitbit), a smart phone and some days my Kindle. That’s a lot of technology to be toting around compared to five years ago.

手势臂章当前有几种可穿戴设备,例如Smart Rings(Mota,Fin,Relly,Neyya),它们会传输通知并将基于手势的命令传输到连接的设备。Myo手势控制臂线戴在前臂上,并在移动设备和桌面设备上控制许多应用程序。

Google GlassAlthough Google Glass is no more in production, it paved the way for what the future of augmented reality glasses could be in the future – much like the way Apple’s Newton in the 1990s paved the way for the proliferation of mobile devices of the 2000s.

Perhaps one day, in the not too distant future, we will find ourselves standing in front of the mirror trying to decide if we should take one device off just like Coco Chanel once advised the fashion savvy folks of that day.
