



史密斯博士和一头牛What is veterinary informatics and why is it important? --Kimberly A. Smith, PhD, MT(ASCP)

“在动物和人类医学之间,没有分裂线 - 不应该存在。该物体不同,但获得的经验构成了所有医学的基础。”Rudolf Virchow(1821–1902)。[1]

动物 - 它们提供陪伴,食物和劳动。我们与他们共享房屋,有时甚至是我们的床。而且我们甚至有许多相同的疾病。动物患糖尿病,肌无力重症[2],肥胖,甲状腺疾病,肾衰竭以及多种类型的癌症,例如淋巴瘤和骨肉瘤。并且许多传染病可以在动物和人之间传播,包括炭疽病,布鲁氏菌病,狂犬病,结核病和西尼罗河病毒。动物与人类健康之间的这种紧密关系是OneHealth概念的一部分[3,4]。因此,兽医信息学是健康信息学专业领域,该领域“研究医学信息的结构和特性,尤其是有关动物的医学信息”。[5]


Like physicians, veterinarians may use electronic medical record systems for their patients, and this data can provide insight into diseases and their causes and treatments. A large centralized database of animal medical records, the Veterinary Medical Database (VMDB), was created in 1964 by the National Cancer Institute, and has collected more than 7 million records from participating animal hospitals at schools of veterinary medicine [6]. Analysis of such large sets of data can identify disease trends. Banfield, a corporation of over 800 veterinary practices across the US [7] that uses a centralized electronic health record system, has analyzed its data and shown that there has been a steady increase in chronic renal failure in cats over the last several years. [8] Analysis of medical records on dogs and cats with kidney failure in 2007-2009 was also instrumental in uncovering tampering of imported pet food with melamine, resulting in the deaths of thousands of pets. [9, 10]

Veterinary informatics also extends beyond companion animals. Food animals, such as cattle, sheep, and hogs are also monitored and tracked. The value of cattle and calf production alone in the United States was almost $50 billion in 2013. [11] Therefore, rapid detection of disease outbreaks, as well as early notification to both veterinary and health officials, is essential to protect not only health but also to lessen the economic impact of a disease outbreak, and is part of the responsibilities of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network [12].





[1]National Research Council (US) Committee on the National Needs for Research in Veterinary Science. Critical Needs for Research in Veterinary Science. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2005. 1, The Role of Veterinary Research in Human Society.可从:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/nbk22905/获得

[2] UC Davis. Veterinary Medicine. http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/vsr/Neurology/Disorders/Myasthenia%20Gravis.html


[4] World Health Organization.

[5]弗吉尼亚 - 马里兰州兽医学院。兽医信息学。http://www.vetmed.vt.edu/beplay苹果手机能用吗research/informatics/about.asp

[6] The Veterinary Medical Databases. About VMDB. https://vmdb.org/?page_id=2

[7] About Banfield Pet Hospital. http://www.banfield.com/about-us

[8] Lefebvre, S. Literature review-Epidemiology of feline chronic kidney disease. Banfield Applied Research and Knowledge Team. http://www.banfield.com/getmedia/cc31e44a-f06e-4660-b3b7-e32478e26069/9e7f2a34-c7e5-4504-b04a-2524b8331c42-pdf0.

[9]受污染宠物Food-Kidney疾病链接。4月10日, 2007. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/09/AR2007040901041.html.


[11] United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. Cattle and Beef Statistics and Information. http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/animal-products/cattle-beef/statistics-information.aspx

[12]: National Animal Health Laboratory Network. https://www.nahln.org/

[13]Fogwell, R. Automated Heat Detection. Michigan Dairy Review. https://www.msu.edu/~mdr/vol16no3/fertility.html


[15] Smith-Akin,K。A.,Bearden,C。F.,Pittenger,S。T.和Bernstam,E。V.(2007)。迈向兽医信息学研究议程:对PubMed索引文献的分析。beplay苹果手机能用吗国际医学信息学杂志,76(4),306-312。

written by金伯利·史密斯


史密斯博士拥有休斯顿生物医学信息学的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心的健康信息学博士学位。她还拥有东肯塔基大学的微生物学学士学位,也是医疗技术专家(医学实验室科学家)。她的经验涵​​盖了人类和兽医医学。她在高中和大学期间从事兽医实践和州兽医诊断实验室工作,并在MD Anderson的兽医医学系担任医学技术专家。在进入研究生院之前,她获得了超过15年的实施,支持和管理实验室和病理信息系统的经验。她为圣卢克主教医院和医学博士安德森癌症中心实施了系统,并为几家热门供应商工作了许多能力。
