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Doctoral Student Research Awards

The School of Biomedical Informatics is pleased to offer Doctoral Student Research Awards through funds from the Claire Loe Memorial Scholarship. The awards are to assist PhD and DHI students with dissertation research (PhD) or translational project matters (DHI) and travel expenses (both) by offering supplemental financial support of up to $1,000—funds over this amount may be considered, but need to be strongly justified. Funding is available for students who have successfully passed their Advance to Candidacy and may be used to travel for research data collection, to purchase research or project-related datasets or materials, to cover expenses related to translation or transcription of research materials, to cover expenses related to recruiting and retaining research participants, or other expenses directly related to their doctoral research or translational projects (e.g., these funds cannot be used to pay your salary).

The Claire Loe Memorial Scholarship was established with the intent to aid students working on projects without substantial faculty funding. Students working for a faculty member (e.g., as a Graduate Research Assistant) with sizable grant support will require a strong justification for why none of that faculty’s funding could be used for the intended purpose.

学生可能衰退ive only one Doctoral Student Research Award from the School of Biomedical Informatics. However, students may revise and resubmit unsuccessful applications for reconsideration.

Applications are continuously accepted but will be reviewed by the committee after the 1st of every month. All awards are dependent upon availability funds.

Masters and Certificate students are NOT eligible for Doctoral Student Research Awards.

The application can be found here:

You will need to upload the following items to complete this application:

  1. Research Funding Proposal- Each proposal must include the following elements in clearly demarcated sections using the following labels. These requirements will form the basis for the proposal evaluation. Proposals that exceed the listed word limitations will be rejected.
    • Project Description: A narrative ofno more than 500 words(excluding references) describing the dissertation research or translational project. Thisshould be written for a non-specialist audienceand must include thesignificance of the dissertation research or translational evidence-based practice, as well as aclear explanation of methodologyandexpected outcomes.
    • Professional Development: A statement of how the project will advance the professional development of the student.(250 words or fewer)
    • Budget: Anitemized budgetfor the amount requested. Requests that exceed $1,000 should include both (a) a detailed justification for the high cost, as well as (b) a plan for how the money would be spent if the amount over $1,000 is judged as not supported by the committee (including whether this would disqualify the intended purchase). If the budget for the project exceeds the amount requested/available from the award, you should describe the source of the additional funds. Be sure to indicate aprojected timeline使用资金的一页纸,最大,实验lanation of proposed use of funds (i.e., budget). The award must be used to support expenses that are directly related to the dissertation research or translational project. Under no circumstances can funds be used for indirect costs, tuition, faculty expenses, Graduate Research Assistant pay, consultant fees, travel to present research at conferences, or personal expenses. Be sure to justify all expenses and detail any additional funds that will be used for the project.
    • Attachment(optional): If applicable, documentation of an invitation or research host institution support.
  2. Letter from your PhD or DHI Committee Chair- a required component of the application materials submitted for this award is a signed support letter from your PhD or DHI Committee Chair stating that this student doctoral project is worthy of award consideration. If the student is working as a Graduate Research Assistant, the sponsoring faculty member needs to address why grant/start-up funds are not being used to cover these student research expenses. This letter must be on institutional letterhead, signed by your Committee Chair.
  3. Current validUTHealthCommittee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS)approval letters的研究,如果适用beplay苹果手机能用吗的话。
