

Cares Act:机构部分

Heerf I,II和III(a)(1)机构部分,(a)(2)和(a)(3)的季度预算和支出报告,如果适用

授予的资金总额:第(a)节(1)机构部分:$ 5,383,896(a)(2)节:$ 0(a)(3)节:$ 0

类别 (a)(1)机构美元的金额 Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable (a)(3)美元的金额,如果适用 解释性说明
向学生提供额外的紧急经济援助赠款。(1) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. $ 120,000 $ 0 $ 0
提供学费折扣。 $ 0 $ 0
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
向学生或教职员工提供或补贴高速互联网的成本,以过渡到在线环境。 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
由于宿舍关闭或决定将住房限制为每个房间的一个学生而导致的校外住房费用;补贴住房成本以降低住房密度;为需要隔离的学生支付酒店或其他校外住房;由于冠状病毒感染或校园中断,需要为需要提早离开校园的学生支付差旅费。 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
与操作其他课程相关的成本以实现社会距离,例如雇用更多讲师和增加校园工作时间的成本。 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
  1. 支持与适用法律一致的冠状病毒引起的校园业务中断有关的费用。This includes eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance under CARES Act Section 18004(c), or any component of a student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care, per Section 314(c) of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), and Section 2003 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP).
类别 (a)(1)机构美元的金额 Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable (a)(3)美元的金额,如果适用 解释性说明
Campus Safety and Operations (2) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
采购,租赁或租用其他教学设备和用品(例如实验室设备或计算机),以减少单个课程中共享设备或用品的学生数量,并为使用之间提供消毒的时间。 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
取代由于入学人数减少而造成的收入损失。(3) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Replacing lost revenue from auxiliary services sources(i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc.). (3) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
购买,租赁或租用其他设备或软件以启用远程学习,或升级校园Wi?fi访问或将开放网络扩展到停车场或公共空间等。 $ 24,990 $ 0 $ 0
(a)(1)机构部分基金的其他用途。(4) $ 2,531,073 Upgrades to classroom AV auditoriums & conference rooms
如果适用(5) $ 0 $ 0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $2,676,063 $ 0 $ 0
季度支出总额 $2,676,063

2.包括与宿舍和其他校园设施的消毒和清洁有关的成本或费用, ETC。





完成表格:在每种表格上,填写高等教育机构(IHE或机构)名称,报告日期,报告涵盖的适当季度(9月30日,12月30日,3月31日,6月30日,6月30日),11?Digit PR/奖励编号(在您的赠款奖励通知(GAN)的框2中找到了适用的Heerf赠款资金流,该部门授予的资金总额(包括备用资金,包括奖励),并检查框,如果该报告是“最终报告”。从2021年1月1日至3月30日,在日历季度支出HEERF赠款资金的机构必须发布季度报告,以涉及Heerf II CRRSAA和HEERF I CARES ACT ACT基金的支出。该部门以前没有肯定地表明Heerf II CRRSAA资金已经达成了此报告要求。因此,机构可能需要直到2021年6月30日的第二个日历季度结束,以发布这些追溯报告,如果尚未这样做。截至2021年7月10日,季度报告截止日期截止日期,鼓励机构,但不需要,将季度报告(该机构报告表和学生季度报告提交给部门heerfreporting@ed.gov

在图表中,一个机构必须为每个资金类别指定支出的HEERF I,II和IIII资金的数量:(a)(1)机构部分;(a)(2)和(a)(3),如果适用。(a)(2)资金包括援助上市号码(ALNS)84.425J(历史上是黑人学院和大学(HBCUS)),84.425K(部落控制的学院和大学(TCCUS)),84.425L(少数民族服务机构(MSIS)(MSIS)),84.425亿(加强机构计划(SIP));(a)(3)资金用于ALN 84.425N(改善专上教育(FIPSE)公式赠款的资金)和84.425S(Saihe)。每个类别故意广泛,可能不会捕获特定的赠款计划要求。解释性的脚注有助于澄清某些报告类别。虽然图表中的某些项目被阻止,但请注意,这种项目的阻塞与部门的指导和常见问题解答一致,并且不是确定的。提供有关如何支出资金的简要说明,包括对每个项目或资金的活动的标题和简要说明。不包括个人身份信息(PII)。计算(a)(1)机构部分,(a)(2)和(a)(3)在“每个计划的季度支出”行中的资金,以及“总数 of Quarterly Expenditures” row. Round expenditures to the nearest dollar. If there is no expenditure to report for a given cell, fill it with a “0.” Please refrain from using any symbols throughout the form, including but not limited to “>” or “~.”

发布表格: This form must be conspicuously posted on the institution’s primary website on the same page the reports of the IHE’s activities as to the emergency financial aid grants to students made with funds from the IHE’s allocation under (a)(1) of the CARES Act, CRRSAA, and ARP (Student Aid Portion) are posted. It must be posted as a PDF. No handwritten or scanned PDFs are allowed. Please refrain from adding additional material to the uploaded form. The PDF must be named in the following manner: [8- digit OPEID]_[Survey Name]_[Quarter/Year]_[Date of Release]. For example, 01177600_HEERF_Q32021_101021. The 8-digit OPEID can be found at the DAPIP website or the NCES website. In the event a DUNS number applies to multiple OPEIDs, use the OPEID for the campus with the highest enrollment. The quarter pertains to the calendar year, following the same cadence the reporting periods follows. The date of release should be reported as the deadline for form submission, 10 days after the end of each reporting period. A new separate form must be posted covering each quarterly reporting period (September 30, December 31, March 31, June 30), concluding after either (1) posting the quarterly report ending September 30, 2023 or (2) when an institution has expended and liquidated all (a)(1) Institutional Portion, (a)(2), and (a)(3) funds and checks the “final report” box. IHEs must post this quarterly report form no later than 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter (October 10, January 10, April 10, July 10). Each quarterly report must be separately maintained in a PDF document linked directly from the IHE’s HEERF reporting webpage. Reports must be maintained for at least three years after the submission of the final report per 2 CFR § 200.333. Any changes or updates after initial posting must be conspicuously noted after initial posting and the date of the change must be noted in the “Date of Report” line.


根据1995年的文件还原法(PRA), no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1840-0849. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Under the PRA, participants are required to respond to this collection to obtain or retain benefit. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application, or survey, please contact HEERFreporting@ed.gov, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202.

Cares Act:学生部分
