School of Public Health COVID-19 Research, Programs and Media

Photo of young man getting a shot. (Photo by Getty Images)

New model reveals achieving an 80% HPV vaccination rate could eliminate nearly 1 million cases of male oropharyngeal cancer this century

A nationwide effort to adequately vaccinate 8 in 10 adolescents against the human papillomavirus (HPV) could prevent 934,000 cases of virus-associated, male oropharyngeal cancer over this century, reported investigators at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)公共卫生学院柳叶刀区域卫生 - 美国人。

Woman and daughter sit in the post-vaccination waiting area at Fair Park in Dallas.

5 things to keep in mind when comparing Dallas and Denton’s COVID vaccine efforts

It’s easy to be jealous of Denton’s massive inoculation event. But there is a lot of context to keep in mind evaluating the Fair Park and Texas Motor Speedway sites. Dean Eric Boerwinkle, PhD, speaks with the Dallas Morning News about different vaccine distribution methods being tested in Texas—and how they’re all worth exploring.

Reflecting on the coronavirus one year later

Reflecting on the coronavirus one year later

一年前,即2020年2月5日,鲍勃·埃默里(Bob Emery),DRPH,公共卫生学院成员兼UTHEADY副总裁,安全,健康,环境和风险管理副总裁,召集并主持了一个地区专家小组,讨论了该主题动态和新生紧急情况,新型冠状病毒流行。

Dr. Nayak administers the COVID-19 vaccine to Janice Beecham. Photo provided by Parkland Hospital.

UTHealth School of Public Health alumni and Parkland doctor reunites with first patient who survived COVID-19

Robert Beecham credits Dr. Satyam Nayak with helping him beat COVID-19. When it was Beecham’s turn to get the vaccine, Nayak did the honors.

New model reveals achieving an 80% HPV vaccination rate could eliminate nearly 1 million cases of male oropharyngeal cancer this century

Photo of young man getting a shot. (Photo by Getty Images)


A nationwide effort to adequately vaccinate 8 in 10 adolescents against the human papillomavirus (HPV) could prevent 934,000 cases of virus-associated, male oropharyngeal cancer over this century, reported investigators at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)公共卫生学院柳叶刀区域卫生 - 美国人。

State and local officials emphasize vaccine’s critical role in crushing COVID-19

Harris County Precinct One Commissioner Rodney Ellis received his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. (Photo by Cody Duty/UTHealth)


In one of the Houston neighborhoods hit hardest by the coronavirus, state and local public officials, together with leaders from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) and The University of Texas System, gathered at UT Physicians Multispecialty-Jensen on Saturday, Jan. 23, to encourage everyone to roll up their sleeves and receive the COVID-19 vaccine.




酗酒增加d their alcohol consumption by nearly 20% during COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, according to new research by public health experts at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Their study, published in theAmerican Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse,是最早分析由大流行和危险饮酒引起的压力关联的人之一。


Derek Anderson and Grace Goulet

August 16, 2020

See how our summer semester students are learning to tackle the public health problems of today and tomorrow from their home classrooms. This the second part of a two-part series.


Sierra Castedo de Martell and Brianna


See how our summer semester students are learning to tackle the public health problems of today and tomorrow from their home classrooms. This the first of a two-part series. We’ll be checking in with another group of students in the next few weeks.



June 12, 2020

在经历了两个多月的隔离之后,企业和机构正在重新开放,促使夏季旅行计划满足了逃避监禁的冲动。但是,与129的威胁仍然徘徊是安全的吗?专家在UT Physiciansand The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) weigh in on how to reduce the risks of traveling and make health-conscious decisions as we plot out the summer.

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