
Age-expansion in HPV vaccination guideline was associated with increased HPV vaccine administration rates among adults aged 27 to 45 years

Age-expansion in HPV vaccination guideline was associated with increased HPV vaccine administration rates among adults aged 27 to 45 years

Published in the December issue of JAMA Health Forum, a research collaboration between the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston) School of Public Health and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center identified a significant increase in Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine administration trends among adults aged 27 to 45 years following the age-expansion in the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) HPV vaccine recommendation.


“这些增加在2019年ACIP指南更新之前从未有资格接受HPV疫苗接种的出生队列中也很重要。这一发现表明,共同的临床决策可能对那些从不符合资格但有HPV疫苗的好处的人有效。” Suk说。这一共同的决策过程得到了最佳可用证据,证明谁可以从疫苗接种,个人的特征,价值和偏好以及临床医生的临床酌处权中受益。

This study impacts population health and individual healthcare, showing the significance of clinical guidelines and communication between clinicians and patients. This study suggests developing effective decision aids would be crucial to successfully implementing this updated ACIP guideline for maximizing the cancer prevention benefit in this age group.

撰稿人包括Kaiping Liao,PhD,CICI X. Bauer,PhD,MS,Catherine Basil和Meng Li,PhD,SCM。阅读全文这里.

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