

参加了休斯敦举行的2021 CCT年度会议的专业人员的小组照片。(Rogelio Castro/Uthealth摄影)
构成临床和转化科学中心的八个机构的成员在其2021年的休斯顿年度会议上拍摄。(Rogelio Castro/Uthealth摄影)



德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth),德克萨斯大学医学博士Anderson癌症中心以及纪念馆Hermann Health System于2006年首次成立了临床Beplay体育中心与转化科学中心,并于2006年成立临床和转化科学奖。该中心现在处于第三个融资周期。仅在2021年,该中心就为德克萨斯州带来了超过2680万美元的NIH赠款,以打击大流行,尤其是在弱势群体中。

UTHealth执行副总裁兼首席学术官Michael Blackburn博士说:“由于我们建立的合作渠道,临床和转化科学中心几乎立即准备满足Covid-19的临床试验需求。”“我们为小组及其成就而感到自豪。在整个大流行中,与州长和其他得克萨斯州官员以及来自全国各地的人们进行了对话。我们已经实现的团队结构使我们能够迅速做出反应并帮助社区,以及它对国家的影响非常好。”

The Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences, under the leadership of UTHealth, is one of the largest in the country, reaching 14.5 million people in Texas and western Louisiana. It is also one of the most diverse, serving a population that is 37% Hispanic and including a large rural and economically challenged population.

During the pandemic, the center expanded its footprint in Northeast Texas and in South Texas with the addition of Louisiana State University Health Shreveport and The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Other members include Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, UTHealth School of Public Health Brownsville campus, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, as well as the Texas Medical Center institutions of MD Anderson, UTHealth, and Rice University.

“The Lower Rio Grande Valley is 93% Hispanic overall,” said David McPherson, MD, executive director and one of the principal investigators. “It is a highly vulnerable area along the U.S.-Mexico border. Chronic disease disparities are prevalent, and those disparities contributed to how hard COVID-19 hit the area, resulting in a case fatality rate that is almost double that of the state and the country. A lot of focus during the pandemic has been addressing that and doing research around it.”




The center is one of three sites chosen nationally to improve participation in the NIH’s National COVID Cohort Collaborative as well as in the All of Us program, which aims to gather health data from 1 million Americans.

As vaccine distribution rates increase across the country, the center’s work continues. It has applied to create a consortium of 14 institutions spanning six states to study “long-haul” COVID-19 symptoms.

The center is also involved in work to improve COVID-19 vaccination among Houston’s Black community, Houston residents experiencing homelessness, the Rio Grande Valley Hispanic community, East Texas rural Hispanic and non-Hispanic communities, and North Louisiana rural Black and non-Hispanic communities. The work includes collaborating with other agencies to offer education, motivation, support, and new resources to medically underserved and vulnerable communities and to individuals with other health conditions.

The principal investigators for the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences are David McPherson, MD, chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth; Jiajie Zhang, dean of UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics; Daniel Karp, MD, professor in the Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics at MD Anderson; and Robert Bast Jr., MD, vice president for translational research at MD Anderson. Michael Blackburn, PhD, dean of MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, is principal investigator for the National Research Services Award for Graduate Student Training, which is funded as a separate core grant under the parent award. Charles “Trey” Miller III, PhD, associate vice president of clinical research and health care quality at UTHealth, is principal investigator for the Institutional Career Development Program for faculty. UTHealth’s Maureen Goode, PhD, is the administrative director of the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences.

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