UTHealth Houston associate professor aims to improve people’s lives in hometowns like her own

Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker博士与她的丈夫Troy和Stepdaughters,Abigail和Coral合影。(照片由Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker博士提供)。
Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker博士与她的丈夫Troy和Stepdaughters,Abigail和Coral合影。(照片由Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker博士提供)。
Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker博士。(图片由休斯顿uthealth摄)
Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker博士。(图片由休斯顿uthealth摄)


这也是一个可见健康差异的地方,也是德克萨斯大学健康科学中心的副教授梅利莎·瓦莱里奥·舒纳(Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker)博士(UTHealth Houston)。

圣地亚哥杜瓦尔县的县城位于科珀斯克里斯蒂(Corpus Christi)的西部,在44号高速公路上位于拉雷多(Laredo)的东部。其1,500户家庭绝对是西班牙裔,96.8%,2010年的年度家庭中位数为25,000美元。几乎三分之一的家庭生活了。在贫困线下方。

Valerio-Shewmaker是教职员工,发展和多样性的副院长UTHealth School of Public Health, as well as an associate professor of health promotion and behavioral sciences at the school’s Brownsville campus. She also is a member of the Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research, and previously served as the regional dean for the school’s San Antonio campus for six years. She is the first schoolwide associate dean for UTHealth School of Public Health whose location is outside the Houston campus.



“根据需要专业医疗保健的需求,我家中的人们必须开车去科珀斯克里斯蒂(Corpus Christi),这大约是两个小时的往返。”“我很早就意识到,社区中的某些人不太可能获得运输,并且可能难以获得专业护理。对于许多人来说,鉴于需要有一种手段来开车,以及下班休假的时间,因此专业的医疗保健可能是一种奢侈品。”

This has led to work analyzing the challenge transportation has in health care access.

“In Alice, Texas (located in Jim Wells County, adjacent to Duval County in South Texas), we are working in partnership with REAL, Inc. to test a framework to determine how a rural transit authority can be integrated into improving health care access,” she said. “The transit authority plays a critical role in connecting people to health care, as well as addressing the needs of those with severe mental illness or comorbidities who need transportation assistance for basic needs, including food, prescriptions, and social activities, to better reach those who may be isolated.”

Valerio-Shewmaker said the drive to give back was modeled after her parents.


Valerio-Shewmaker completed her undergraduate degree at The University of Texas at Austin, and then her Master of Public Health and PhD at the University of Michigan. She said her mentors, who helped shape her research methods and encourage her to be more involved with vulnerable communities, have been instrumental in her success.


To be effective, researchers must form deep connections with the community, and take on a collaborative approach with groups who are already immersed in the area. During COVID-19, researchers have seen rapid introduction of infections and prevention strategies that require interpretation of risk mitigation by entire communities, impacting all regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, or gender. COVID-19 has served as a case study for preparedness, training, and learning to better reach and serve diverse populations.

She said one of her greatest learning moments was early in her career. She had developed a program for addressing health literacy in asthma care management. When presenting it a community advisory board, they said they wanted to instead focus on diabetes prevention in adolescents.

“I realized at that moment, that I had created this wonderful proposal and approach — it just didn’t fit the community priorities at the time,” she said. “Not only that, I hadn’t followed a true community engagement process. That was the last time I did something like that. When you engage in true, authentic, community engagement work, you will be building it together from the start.”

她说,聆听也很重要 - 不仅要说什么,而且对不是什么。


COVID-19大流行期间,Valerio-Shewmaker公顷s served as part of a team whose work has helped vulnerable populations receive access to antibody testing. She is also working on an initiative in the area of child development, to evaluate the role fathers play in the brain development of their children.


“Seeing the difference our work makes in communities is what drives me,” she said. “You may not be able to calculate a change and see a significant p-value, but you can see an individual and group change over time in the way they interact, communicate and build resilience — that is what really drives me. A p-value is very important and we need to be able to calculate significant changes, but we want to make sure we are understanding what the p-value represents for the communities.”

Valerio-Shewmaker resides in Harlingen, Texas with her husband, Troy, and stepdaughters, Abigail and Coral, as well as their black lab, Trigger.

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