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Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

健康研讨会回顾:肌肉骨骼不适,体育锻炼和工作站类型:与Kaysey Aguilar长期远程工作后的后续研究,MPH,CHES

The 2nd Annual Southwest Centers Occupational Health Research Symposium was held on June 10, 2022. The virtual event, a collaboration between the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (SWCOEH) and the Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention and Education (SW Ag Center). This series will highlight presentations made by Pilot Projects Research Training Awardees who were selected and awarded by the SWCOEH.

In Part II of our series, we discuss “Musculoskeletal discomfort, physical activity, and workstation type: A follow-up study after long-term remote work”. The study was led byKaysey Aguilar, MPH, CHES,a Doctoral Candidate at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health.

“The SWCOEH Pilot Projects program is known for the groundbreaking pilot projects like Kaysey’s that have important implications,” saidJenil Patel,博士,SWCOEH试点项目研究培训计划的主任。beplay苹果手机能用吗“这项研究表明,了解职业健康领域不断变化的研究需求的重要性。beplay苹果手机能用吗美国的整个劳动力环境,包括大多数职业及其各自的工作场所,都观察到由于19日大流行而引起的快速意外变化。凯西(Kaysey)通过她的试点项目的发现为职业健康领域增添了重要意义,这表明了如何快速发展的文献和教育资源在人体工程学和家庭工作站改善方面如何帮助工人适应在家中更好的工作条件。在大流行中,这样的研究帮助启发了雇主实施工作场所政策以改善整体环境,因为工人过渡到办公室和工作场所工作。” What did you find most interesting about your study?

Kaysey Aguilar: “It was interesting that over a year of remote work did not appear to significantly change discomfort or habits. With remote work, individuals can customize their workspace to meet their physical needs better, but this isn't guaranteed; individuals could just as easily continue with the equipment and habits they have always had. The study results suggest that the opportunity to work from home will not automatically result in improved results for health or productivity. For workplace health and safety efforts, this could inform the development of education and outreach efforts for remote office workers.”

阅读健康研讨会回顾第一部分:与Itamar Lerner博士的习惯睡眠和未来压力的生理衡量标准 Your study found a decrease in wrist and hand discomfort among participants between 2019 and 2021. What do you attribute the decreased discomfort to?

Kaysey Aguilar: “There could be so many reasons – more education on office ergonomics, acquisition of better office equipment, treatment of pain issues, etc. Of those reasons, the one I wonder about the most is the possibility that individuals obtained ergonomic education and equipment as a result of the pandemic. In 2020, when remote work increased, we saw so many articles online about how to design your remote workspace, items needed for remote work, and how to set up your space ergonomically. I'm wondering how much that impacted everyone. In the study survey, participants were asked if they sought out ergonomic education or if it was offered by their employer. It seems that if participants reported not receiving it from their employer, they reported seeking it out on their own.

In short, I think the decrease in discomfort could be attributed to different causes, but I'm very curious as to how the transition to at-home work affected individuals' perception of how they could customize their workspace. With remote work, there's the possibility to create healthier spaces and habits, or to continue unhealthy ones.

As a health educator, I'd like to understand why people sought ergonomics information on their own, which sources they found credible, and barriers or facilitators to improvement. Understanding these factors can help us to develop outreach and educational materials for remote workers, which will become more important with continued remote work in a post-pandemic workforce with a better understanding of office health and safety.” What other differences did you see in remote work vs. traditional work?

Kaysey Aguilar: “Between the first study in 2019 and the 2021 follow-up, more individuals used ergonomic office equipment. A few individuals had stopped using some of their equipment from 2019, but almost all reported still using their equipment or adding more equipment. I thought this was interesting. It could signal a greater openness to using ergonomic equipment and/or individuals seeing a benefit from the equipment.” Is there anything else you would like to add?

Kaysey Aguilar: “我非常感谢Swcoeh获得使这项工作成为可能的资金。当我完成这个项目时,我发现不仅是研究,而且我遇到的人对我有所作为。beplay苹果手机能用吗进行这项研究使我有机会与那些自由beplay苹果手机能用吗分享他们或亲人处理的肌肉骨骼问题的人会面。他们的故事强调了肌肉骨骼不适的伤害和阴险性质以及减少它的重要性。在课堂上很容易,并感到与您想帮助的人有些脱节。除了获取数据外,这笔赠款还使我能够与工人互动,并提醒我为什么要追求这一领域。谢谢您,Swcoeh,使这一切成为可能!”

The SWCOEH provides a variety of graduate-level training opportunities for occupational and environmental health professionals through our industrial hygiene, occupational and environmental medicine, occupational epidemiology, andTotal Worker Health®.
