


临床试验协议(cta)vern the terms of research between the Universities and set the expectations and responsibilities of the parties. Industry initiated clinical trials are executed for trials following a sponsor- or investigator-initiated protocol.


Because most industry initiated clinical trials are fixed price awards, the University will be paid for services rendered, regardless of how much of the funds are expensed. The terms of the contract allow for the residual balances in these accounts to vest with the University. In order to properly account for expenditures associated with the clinical trial, the FMS account associated with a clinical study must be closed out once the research is complete at the University.


Clinical Trial Account Closeout begins once the IRB Closeout Report has been submitted in iRIS. Each month the CRFA team reviews the submitted closeout reports in iRIS for funded studies. If a funded study has been closed, the FMS account is updated to reflect the date that the study ended at the University. CRFA then changes the active dates on the account to allow the study team one year to receive final payment from the sponsor and to pay any outstanding invoices which may still be pending.




Once the CRFA team receives the signed approvals they will then perform the necessary journal entries to transfer the residual balance to the appropriate residual accounts for spend down. After the journal entries have been complete, then the department can budget the transferred revenue in the residual account.


  • 提交IRB关闭报告
  • Review Account Analysis from CRFA team
  • 在临床试验结束摘要和批准表中获得必要的签名。
  • Send signed document tocrf@uth.tmc.edu
  • 预算转移了剩余帐户中的收入。


  • 每月检查虹膜的封闭研究。
  • Mark accounts for closeout one year after their date of closure in iRIS.
  • 确保没有未偿还的收入或费用在帐户上待定。
  • 进行帐户分析并建议剩余收入分配。
  • Send completed Clinical Trial Closeout Summary and Approval From for signature to department management.
  • 执行必要的日记帐分录以将剩余收入转移到剩余帐户。
