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  • The Notice of Grant Award (NGA).
  • 该机构的网站。
  • UTH在属性或其他音符部分中授予FMS中的面板。
  • PAF团队网站。

在FMS中,单击UTH Grants面板中的蓝色“属性”超链接。这将打开一个新窗口,该窗口可能会列出该项目的重新预算规则。重新预算规则的示例包括:

  • 不允许设备。
  • Per line item limits.
  • No PI salary allowed.
  • Total re-budgeting percent limits.


To expedite a budget revision when one is necessary, be sure to include a good explanation why the Budget Revision is needed.

Pay particular attention to the following expense items:

FMS Budget Pool
FMS Expense Account Code
61007 67121 Foreign Travel Follow UTHealth Prior Approval process. Include name of traveler, destination, dates, and how the trip benefits the project
61009 各种各样的 设备 设备必须是必不可少的,可分配的和合理的。

61012 69651 pt。护理费用 - 限制 - 没有IDC 确保有适当的人类主题保证。如果该赠款不在联邦示范项目(FDP)或扩大机构(EA)下,则需要获得资助机构的事先批准。但是,如果赠款属于FDP或EA,则仅在范围更改时才需要资助机构的事先批准。
61014 69759
Subcontract Expense When moving money out, make sure the money isn’t committed to a subcontract. If moving money in, follow the Agency’s specific procedures for establishing a subcontract.
61015 69901 间接成本 允许re-budgeting之间直接的奖项and indirect costs, it is important to make sure that when re-budgeting direct costs between categories that recover IDC and those that don’t, to re-budget into pool 61015 accordingly.
61017 受限 - 外部代理 通常,这是从前预算期间剩下的钱,因此受到限制。需要代理商批准才能使用这些资金。
61018 受限 - 内部UTHEADY 通常,这是错误授予的钱,或者对申请提交的预算存在问题。PAF团队限制了资金,直到解决问题为止。