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Nursing, dentistry faculty collaborate for kids

Nursing, dentistry faculty collaborate for kids


Associate Professor Brett Chiquet, DDS, PhD and Assistant Professor Deniz Dishman, PhD, CRNA
Associate Professor Brett Chiquet, DDS, PhD and Assistant Professor Deniz Dishman, PhD, CRNA
CRNA的DDS博士和助理教授Deniz Dishman副教授Brett Chiquet和助理教授正在研究小儿牙科患者办公室镇静剂和相关危险因素后的不良事件。
CRNA的DDS博士和助理教授Deniz Dishman副教授Brett Chiquet和助理教授正在研究小儿牙科患者办公室镇静剂和相关危险因素后的不良事件。
Nursing, dentistry faculty collaborate for kids
副教授达芙妮·埃尔南德斯(Daphne Hernandez)博士,MSED,FAAHB和MARGO MELCHOR,RDH,MED,EDD将结合口腔健康和营养素养计划,护理和牙科卫生学生将在一个贫困社区的一所学校提供服务。

旨在改善儿童健康的两项跨专业研究研究了beplay苹果手机能用吗joint workshop这使休斯敦Uthealth的Cizik护理学院和牙科学院汇集了教师。



“It is a great satisfaction to see the new collaborative teams formed between SOD and CSON faculty and their innovative projects addressing important oral and general health concerns. We hope that this intramural funding opportunity allows the teams to expand their research endeavors for continued success,” said Professor Ariadne Letra, DDS, MS, PhD, interim associate dean for research at the School of Dentistry.


助理教授Deniz Dishman,CRNA博士无法参加2021年4月9日的活动,因为她正在临床实践中为手术室的患者提供麻醉。当她后来审查了研讨会的摘要时,副教授的研究建议beplay苹果手机能用吗布雷特·切奎特(Brett Chiquet),DDS,PhD,引起了她的注意。



In addition to conducting an in-depth review of relevant literature, the co-principal investigators and their team will look for documented adverse events among 1,500 previous pediatric sedation cases from the School of Dentistry’s Postgraduate Clinic. They will then apply what they learn as they interview parents 24 hours after procedures. The team hopes to identify common medical or physical characteristics among patients who experience adverse events and are particularly interested in exploring whether a relationship exists between post-anesthesia complications and obstructive sleep apnea.


“If we can determine which patients are at increased risk for adverse events and prevent them from occurring, our project will be a success,” Chiquet said.

该赠款由牙科学院资助。其他合作者是Uthealth Biomedical Informatics学院的Xiaoqian Jiang教授;牙科学院高级统计学家和定量生物学家J. Nathanial Holland博士;以及爱达荷州大学子午线健康科学中心药学院副教授Melanie Wright,博士学位。


A collaboration led by co-principal investigators达芙妮·埃尔南德斯(Daphne Hernandez), PhD, MSEd, FAAHB, andMargo MelchorRDH地中海,EdD,集中体现了牙科学校的vision statement. The pair met during a UTHealth Houston leadership course and later discovered their overlapping research interests at the joint workshop.



“滋养微笑”项目将融合Uthealth公共卫生学院的元素Nourishprogram with the American Dental Association’s微笑聪明!curriculum, explained Hernandez, an associate professor at Cizik School of Nursing.

“Poor nutrition can lead to oral health problems that then lead to larger health problems,” she said, noting that about a quarter of Black and Hispanic adolescents ages 12-19 from low-income families experience untreated tooth decay. Many lack insurance and access to routine oral or general health care.

The grant will enable the team to develop and deliver a curriculum to a few dozen students at a local school. If the implementation proves successful, they hope to secure additional funding to expand the program to more schools and classrooms.

“The project has the potential to reduce health disparities and to expand workforce capacity to implement evidence-based oral health promotion practices,” they stated in their proposal summary.

“滋养微笑”赠款由Cizik护理学院资助。其他合作者是公共卫生学院MS,RD,RD,LD博士John Wesley McWhorter,MS,RD,LD,CSCS,以及FAAN RN的Maja Djukic副教授;助理教授Allison Edwards,DRPH,MS,CNE;以及Cizik护理学院的MSSW博beplay苹果手机能用吗士学位,博士学位研究员Allison N. Marshall博士。

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