
Handbook of Operating Procedures




Emergency management and business continuity plans



September 2018
Responsible Office:
Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management; Finance and Business Services
Responsible Executive:


This policy defines the responsibilities of personnel and departments to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies, disasters, or other interruptions to normal operations at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (“university”). The policy assigns responsibility and action items to university employees.


Procedures to protect life, property, the environment, and the continuity of business operations at the university are detailed in theEmergency Management Plan(EMP)和业务连续性计划(BCP)。EMP旨在解决准备和响应活动,而BCP则解决确保在发生紧急情况后确保运营连续性的措施。




Category 1:行政控制团队成员;咨询呼叫人员列于EMP;环境健康与安全(EH&S)人员;设施,规划和工程人员;德克萨斯大学警察 - 休斯顿(UT警察);信息技术人员;公共事务人员办公室;辅助企业维修人员;和动物护理人员。

Category 2: Departmental personnel who will be the last to leave their area during an evacuation, and the first to reenter when the facility is cleared; employees required to sustain clinical operations; and other personnel as designated by the department head. Category 2 personnel are responsible for securing property (e.g., controlled substances, perishables, turning off equipment, covering sensitive property) prior to evacuation.

受控访问: A state of limited access to university facilities declared by the Executive Control Team during which access controls will be implemented so that only authorized university personnel may gain access to institutional buildings. All personnel will be required to enter the facility using their institutional identification badges.

Emergency Lockdown:对UTP-H主任宣布的大学设施有限的状态,其中所有外部徽章访问设施都仅限于紧急和/或任何必要的1类支持团队。在这种情况下,人员可以根据设施内的安全或安全相关条件获得设施,并且需要遵循任何既定程序,包括在指定的检查点处签署。

行政控制团队: Team of executive administrators with institutional authority in times of emergencies. Members of the team include the President, Senior Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President, Finance and Business Services & Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President & Chief Academic Officer, Vice President of Facilities, Planning, and Engineering, Vice President of Safety, Health, Environment, and Risk Management, and the Chief of UTP-H.

UTHealth Alert: A text-based communication system utilized by UTP-H for security related emergencies and by Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management (SHERM) for weather related emergencies. Public Affairs will serve as a backup for the UTHealth Alert system on behalf of UTP-H and/or SHERM when necessary.



EH&S shall develop and maintain the institutionalEMP.TheEMPshall be updated at least annually.

Finance and Administration, in conjunction with EH&S, shall develop and maintain theBCP..TheBCP.shall be updated at least annually.



UT Police remains responsible for security and law enforcement procedures during an emergency. All institutional emergencies shall be immediately reported to UT Police.

A drill to test theEMPandBCP.应至少每年进行。


在飓风期间,某些紧急情况可能需要骑行团队,以帮助保护和/或最大限度地减少对大学财产的损害,并确保业务的连续性。乘坐团队将包括指定的基本人员,他们将身体保留在校园内或驻扎在遥控器中,以在整个紧急情况下提供服务。看EMP.安然度过团队membe的必要设施rs to effectively perform their jobs should be made in advance of the emergency event.

所有部门都必须制定和维护书面的部门应急管理计划和业务连续性计划,以解决大学计划的背景范围内的特定需求。部门计划根据需要审核和更新,或至少每年进行更新。开发部门应急管理计划的指南可以在eh&s'紧急程序网页,而BCP工作表可以找到风险管理和保险网页在页面的最后一部分。部门计划必须与大学一致EMPandBCP.and shall not conflict with university plans.

该大学将遵守所有当地,州和联邦授权和在强制性撤离等紧急情况下的订单。大学EMPshall be consistent with the National Incident Management System. The Incident Command System (as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency) shall be used as necessary during emergency situations.

All employees are required to familiarize themselves with their roles and responsibilities during an emergency.

B. Notifications

Timely information regarding campus emergencies are made available to the university community through various means. The institution will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the university community, determine the content of the notification. The university will then initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

有关校园安全事件的更多信息,请参阅HOOP 2, Campus Security

公共事务办公室会传达紧急信息uthealth急救信息网站, the Emergency Information Phone Lines (713-500-9996, 713-500-7999 and 866-237-0107), building lobby screens and the university’s social media accounts. SHERM, UTP-H or Facilities, Planning and Engineering (FPE) will be responsible for utilizing the buildings’ fire alarm public announcement systems or megaphones as necessary to communicate emergency information.

In the event of an imminent threat, Executive Control Team approval is not necessary for UTP-H, SHERM or Public Affairs to send a campus wide text message.



    • 环境健康与安全
    • 713-500-8100
    • //www.tjghsg.com/safety/
    • Finance and Business Services
    • 713-500-4952
    • https://inside.uth.edu/finance/index.htm.
