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Ambassador Program

Nurse leaders are the heart of health care—and with an aging population and growing nursing shortage, they are more important than ever. At Cizik School of Nursing, the Ambassador Program gives today’s talented nursing students the skills and expertise to become tomorrow’s nurse leaders.

Ambassador Program

In the ever-changing health care industry, one truth remains constant: Nurse leaders help shape patient care delivery to build stronger, healthier communities. Today, nurse leaders are taking on greater responsibilities than ever before, from managing interdisciplinary health care teams to supervising COVID-19 vaccine rollouts.

With specialized skills in management, teamwork, and communication, nurse leaders are increasingly in demand across the health care spectrum. But a growing nursing shortage threatens the stability of our health care system, a trend that will only continue without greater support of nursing leadership training.

The Ambassador Program aims to address this critical shortage and to develop future nurse leaders. By offering unique mentorship and leadership development activities, the program transforms top nursing students into confident, competent, and empowered nurse leaders.

Through seminars and courses that help students strengthen and cultivate leadership experience and expertise, program participants gain vital skills that prepare them for careers throughout health care.

Exceptional nurse leaders can turn chaos into order to ensure quality health care for all—and our Ambassador Program helps them learn how.

A commitment to nurse leaders at UTHealth is a commitment to our community’s future. Your support ofMany Faces. One Mission.will attract the best and brightest students to Cizik School of Nursing, helping us develop exceptional nurse leaders for our communities.

  • More Opportunities

    We are expanding the Ambassador Program to include more students. Since 2016, 76 undergraduate ambassadors have been accepted into the program. To ensure our community’s health needs can be met long into the future, our goal is to increase undergraduate enrollment and expand the program to serve graduate students as well.

  • Program Expansion

    We are developing a holistic leadership academy as part of the Ambassador Program. Aimed at fostering effective communication and teamwork skills while expanding peer and community networks, new seminars, expanded mentorship, and additional leadership opportunities will help our nursing graduates take on important leadership positions and direct teams across health care. Our leadership academy will help expand the Texas Medical Center nurse leader workforce ready to serve populations across the nation.

  • "The Ambassador Program has been instrumental in the development of my leadership skills. By expanding my view of nursing and challenging me to view myself as a professional, the program has shown me how to lead and create positive change."


    Pacesetter BSN Student

    Ambassador Program

    Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth
