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Six Campuses Across Texas

In a state as big and diverse as Texas, public health concerns can take on different forms from one area to another. With six regional campuses across the state, the School of Public Health stands prepared to meet these challenges on a local level.

Map showing locations across texas

Our state-wide presence spans from the Rio Grande Valley to the Gulf Coast to the Hill Country. Campuses in Houston, Austin, Brownsville, Dallas, El Paso, and San Antonio bring a unique focus on issues affecting their communities.

Faculty at each campus apply their expertise in a wide range of fields—from cancer genetics to nutrition and exercise—to solve pressing problems of that particular area, while educating the students who join in this important work as they prepare to serve individuals, families, and entire population groups in their future careers.

They perform this vital mission with the collaborative support of each regional campus as well as the university’s six schools, which provide a deep well of institutional knowledge and infrastructure to help them accomplish their goals.

Each community across Texas knows the urgency of solving the health challenges that affect its people, and we are committed to working with them to find the solutions that lead to healthier lives and neighborhoods.

As students at our regional campuses learn the skills to tackle the most pressing public health challenges and our researchers work to improve lives in our communities, your support ofMany Faces. One Mission.will help us continue to stand as a resource for every Texan now andin the future.

  • School of Public Health in Houston

    位于其中一个最大和最多样化的cities in the United States, the Houston campus is situated in the world’s largest medical center, offering students unique opportunities to gain hands-on experience in local projects with national significance. Areas of focus include population genetics, behavioral sciences, dietetics, and COVID-19.

  • School of Public Health in Austin

    The Austin campus location near the heart of Texas places it at the intersection of public health and public policy. Its research focuses include nutrition, physical activity, tobacco, and epidemiology, while students can earn graduate, dual degrees, and certificates in a wide range of public health disciplines.

  • School of Public Health in Brownsville

    Faculty and students at the Brownsville campus are leaders in epidemiologic and intervention research focused on Hispanic populations on the US-Mexico border. Working with communities limited in their access to health resources, education, and services, the campus ensures that its research findings—from chronic disease to cancer prevention—translate into practice in clinical and community settings.

  • School of Public Health in Dallas

    The Dallas campus has robust research programs and custom-degree offerings deeply rooted in community and health care system networks. Students and alumni come from major health care organizations for hands-on experience in critical issues like cancer, domestic violence, and children’s health.

  • School of Public Health in El Paso

    The El Paso campus develops solutions that improve health outcomes for multi-cultural communities. Faculty and students have compelling opportunities to address challenges in a population with a high prevalence of diabetes, mental health issues, cancer, and obesity.

  • School of Public Health in San Antonio

    Located in the second most populous city in Texas, which is home to a large military and veteran population, the San Antonio campus provides unique opportunities for students and researchers alike. These include work in chronic disease, military health, homelessness, and food insecurity.
