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UTHealth faculty, staff, and students celebrate Many Faces. One Mission. campaign launch


今年,共有2286个捐助者向大学贡献了近8300万美元,将UTHEADY END赋额增加到8.05亿美元,并加强了我们教职员工和学生为解决我们社区最紧迫的健康挑战所做的综合努力。


  • Advancing brain and behavioral health to establish UTHealth as a leader in brain and behavioral health, dedicated to developing better treatments and making mental health care accessible to all.
  • Training the next generation of health professionals to address shortages in critical health professions by deepening our commitment to the next generation of practitioners and innovators—and the experts who educate them.
  • Improving Houston’s health to enhance efforts to save lives and improve health outcomes by amplifying collaborative research, encouraging a passion for learning, and promoting patient care and public health initiatives.

In line with the campaign’s focus on advancing brain and behavioral health, the John S. Dunn Foundation made an extraordinary $25 million commitment to launch behavioral health initiatives at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth—the latest example of the foundation’s longstanding commitment to this critical field of health care.

为了纪念基金会的慷慨,UTHealthwill establish the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center to support innovative behavioral health research, education, and patient care. The pledge will provide critical new resources for mental health, including research to advance discoveries in our understanding and treatment of these diseases; academic environment enrichment for fellows, residents, and students; a lecture series to bring experts to share their knowledge with faculty and students; and faculty endowments to recruit and retain outstanding talent.



Uthealth Live
我们的教师提供了有关影响我们周围生活的健康科学主题的丰富知识,我们珍视我们朋友和支持者向这些著名专家学习的一切机会。当我们从Covid-19引起的面对面事件中枢纽时,我们创建了Uthealth Live,这是一系列虚拟活动,与会者可以在其中与我们的顶级教育者和科学家见面,同时深入了解关键健康领域。

我们在这个财政年度举行了七个活动,重点介绍了包括痴呆症,癌症,Covid-19和心脏健康在内的主题。事实证明,Uthealth Live非常受欢迎,经常吸引100多名与会者。

When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, the generosity of our supporters helped launch a series of research initiatives to better understand and treat the virus. Of particular note, the COVID-19+ Cohort Study—a collaboration with partners in the Texas Medical Center and Greater Houston HealthConnect—examined records from 215,142 patients with COVID-19 throughout Texas, aiming to identify factors such as demographics and comorbidities that lead to worse outcomes and providing knowledge that can help clinicians optimize treatment plans. The study recently began a new phase in which researchers will examine records from both adults and children to examine outcomes across all age ranges.


Looking ahead

“在过去的一年中,我们的教职员工,学生和支持者共同完成了很棒的事情,”开发与公共事务高级副总裁MBA MBA Kevin J. Foyle说。“我们期待完成许多面孔。一个任务。campaign strong as we prepare for a future of limitless possibilities.”
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