Saqib treats young patient for Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrome leading to DVT


24-year-old Julianne Kovacik started her morning with her regular routine of exercising, before noticing intense pain and swelling in her arm. As a young, healthy, and active school teacher, she was not expecting her morning to spiral into a dangerous diagnosis, leading her into the care of Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Naveed Saqib, MD. Julianne was rushed to Memorial Hermann – Texas Medical Center, where Saqib operated on her to remove the blood clot in her shoulder. Shortly after dissolving and removing the blood clot, Saqib them performed a second operation for thoracic outlet syndrome, removing a part of her rib that was pressing up against her clavicle, which is what initially caused the blood clot.

You can watch, and read Julianne’s full story onKPRC Click2Houston by Haley Hernandez & Andrea Slaydon.

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