
Principal Investigator

Pramod Dash博士


John B. Redell, Ph.D.约翰·雷德尔(John Redell)博士

约翰在德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)从事本科工作,然后前往华盛顿大学(University of Washington),在那里他在基因组结构和内部整流的钾渠道Kir2.1的基因组结构和转录调节方面获得了博士学位。以下列出了选定的出版物(与Dash博士合着的出版物):


  • 17681698: Redell, J.B., Xue-Bian, J.J., Bubb, M.R., and Crow, T. (2007) One-Trial体外调节调节β-胸腺素重复蛋白CSP24和肌动蛋白之间的关联。神经科学148(2):413-420。
  • 15888654:Yamoah,E.N.,Levic,S.,Redell,J.B。和Crow,T。(2005)CSP24表达的抑制阻碍了I的减少A由一试体外Hermissenda的调节。J. Neurosci。25(19):4793-800。
  • 11410627: Zaritsky, J.J., Redell, J.B., Tempel, B.L and Schwarz, T.L. (2001) The Consequences of Disrupting Cardiac Inwardly Rectifying K(+) Current (I(K1)) as Revealed by the Targeted Deletion of the Murine Kir2.1 and Kir2.2 Genes.J. Physiol。533(PT3):697-710。
  • 9712915:Redell,J.B。和Tempel,B.L(1998)。多个启动子元素相互作用以控制钾通道基因的转录。Kcnj2.J. Biol. Chem.273(35):22807-22818。


Mark Maynard, Ph.D.

Dr. Maynard completed his Ph.D. in Psychology with a concentration in Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Houston in 2016 under the mentorship of Dr. J. L. Leasure. There his research focused on the cellular and functional consequences of chronic binge alcohol consumption, with an emphasis on sex differences and physical exercise as a therapeutic intervention. His work led to several first author publications and conference presentations. In the Summer of 2016, Dr. Maynard joined the laboratory of Dr. Dash where he has focused on understanding how traumatic brain injury (TBI) impairs learning and memory function. In particular, Mark has focused on investigating the efficacy of several therapeutic drugs on the injured brain in a murine model. In the Summer of 2017, Mark was awarded a two year NIH T32 training fellowship through the Center for Translational Injury Research (CeTIR), with a focus on didactic and practical training in clinical and translational research as it relates to TBI.

Erica Underwood, Ph.D.

Erica did her undergraduate work at The University of Mississippi before moving to Texas in 2008. She earned an M.S. in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience and a Ph.D. in Cognition and Neuroscience from the University of Texas at Dallas. Her dissertation focused on sex-dependent effects of high-fat diet on hippocampal excitability and behavioral memory. Erica relocated to Houston in 2016 to accept a postdoctoral fellowship at the Children’s Nutrition Research Center assessing manipulation of the feeding neural circuit and adipocyte metabolism. Since joining the Dash laboratory in 2017, her work has focused on brain region-specific differences in mitochondrial function after traumatic brain injury.


John Broussard, Ph.D.

约翰在路易斯安那州立大学完成了本科工作,并获得了心理学学位。他的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗兴趣集中在关注,学习和记忆中涉及的神经回路上。由于他在俄亥俄州立大学的论文论文(顾问Bennett Givens博士,并与Martin Sarter博士合作),他使用了体内神经生理记录来测试神经递质乙酰胆碱是否在啮齿动物parietal parietal Parietal Cortex中检测神经相关性中是否起着作用。在发现视觉检测的神经相关性后,他使用选择性胆碱毒素来确定在注意任务中抑制视觉干扰物所需的乙酰胆碱。

在博士后研究中,他与John Dani博士beplay苹果手机能用吗合作。在贝勒医学院神经科学系。在那里,他使用深脑刺激在厌恶记忆任务中测试海马中的突触可塑性。在团队和几个合作者中,他在CA1可塑性中表现出多巴胺依赖于与学习相关的增强。



  • Broussard JI,Yang K,Levine A,Tsetsenis T,Jenson D,Cao F,Garcia I,Arenkiel BA,Zhuo FM,De Biasi M和Dani JA(2016)。多巴胺调节海马中的厌恶性上下文学习和体内突触可塑性相关。细胞报告。14:1-10。
  • Yang K†, Broussard JI†, Levine AT†, Jenson D, Arenkiel BA, & Dani JA (2017). Dopamine receptor activity participates in hippocampal synaptic plasticity associated with Novel Object Recognition. (†authors contributed equally). European Journal of Neuroscience. 45: 138-146.
  • Broussard JI, Acion L, Cortes HDC, Yin T, Britt JK, Salas R, Costa-Mattioli M, Robertson CS, Pieper AA, Arciniegas D, & Jorge R (2018). Repeated mild traumatic brain injury produces neuroinflammation, anxiety-like behaviour and impaired spatial memory in mice. Brain Injury.
  • Broussard JI, Jenson D, & Dani, JA (2012). Dopaminergic influence over hippocampal synaptic plasticity and function. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology 2:3
  • Broussard JI (2012). Posterior parietal cortex dynamically ranks topographic signals via cholinergic influence. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 6:32.
  • Broussard JI (2012). Co-transmission of dopamine and glutamate. Journal of General Physiology 139(1):93-96.
  • Broussard JI, & Givens B. (2010). Low frequency oscillations in rat posterior parietal cortex are differentially activated by cues and distractors. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 94(2): 191-8.
  • Broussard Ji*,Karelina K,Sarter M和Givens B.(2009)。在挑战注意力表现期间,信号引起的顶叶活动的胆碱能优化。欧洲神经科学杂志29(8)1711-1722。(此问题的封面图)
  • Broussard J, Sarter M, & Givens B. (2006). Neuronal correlates of signal detection in the posterior parietal cortex of rats performing a sustained attention task. Neuroscience. 143(2): 407-417.

Nobuhide Kobori,医学博士,博士

Nobu received his M.D. and Ph.D. from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in Kyoto, Japan. He joined the University of Texas Medical School in 1999, where he worked for the Department of Neurosurgery investigating the role of modulatory neurotransmitters in working memory dysfunction after the traumatic brain injury. He joined Dr. Dash’s laboratory in 2014.

Lab Personnel


安东尼(Anthony)于1989年毕业于得克萨斯A&M大学,并获得了生物化学学位。毕业后,他曾在贝勒医学院的罗纳德·戴维斯博士的实验室工作,在果蝇。He joined the laboratory of Dr. Dash in 1991 and has authored/co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed manuscripts on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory, and their dysfunction following traumatic brain injury.

金伯利Hood: Research Associate


>former lab members