


失智is a broad term for a decline in memory, cognitive ability and problem-solving ability. It covers a wide range of conditions, butAlzheimer’s disease是迄今为止痴呆症的最常见原因。在大脑的某个部分出血后引起的血管痴呆是第二大最常见的形式。一些不常见的痴呆形式,例如甲状腺问题或维生素缺乏症引起的痴呆症可能是可逆的。虽然对患者及其家人的任何痴呆症的诊断可能很困难,但Uthealth Neurosciences在这里有助于提供全面和富有同情心的护理。

UTHealth神经科学Memory Disorders specialist Dr. Paul Schulz discusses dementia, when you should see a physician if you or your loved on begins to have cognitive changes, and what is involved with cognitive testing.

What You Can Expect at UTHealth Neurosciences

At UTHealth Neurosciences, our dedicated team uses the latest technology to accurately diagnose and treat patients with any form of dementia. We work in multidisciplinary teams of specialists who share insights, leading to better treatment decisions and outcomes. Throughout the treatment process, we will work closely with the doctor who referred you to ensure a smooth transition back to your regular care. While you are with us, you will receive expert care, excellent communication, and genuine compassion.


While dementia is age related, it is not a normal part of aging. Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells. In Alzheimer’s patients, increased amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles form, blocking communication among nerve cells. Vascular dementia is the result of microscopic bleeding and blood vessel blockage in the brain. Hypothyroidism, a metabolic disorder, can also trigger dementia. In those cases, an underperforming thyroid can lead to decreased metabolism, resulting in the slowing of mental activity. Folate and B12 deficiencies might also contribute to symptoms of a reversible form of this condition.


Symptoms typically appear after the age of 65. A person may just experience some slight confusion or memory loss, which may seem to be a normal part of aging. Patients may have trouble remembering where they put something or recalling a conversation. They may repeat the same statements, forget appointments, or get lost easily. A person might struggle to find the right words or display impaired judgment. Eventually, they may be unable to recognize their loved ones. Changes in personality and behavior can also occur.


A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia usually begins with self-reporting of symptoms by the patient or a close family member. UTHealth Neurosciences doctors with extensive experience will evaluate cognitive skills,进行实验室测试s and brain imaging,and perform physical and neurological tests.Aseries of exams willhelp our doctorsassess memory and rule out other issues. A CT scan oran可能会订购MRI,特别是如果怀疑血管性痴呆。


尽管大多数形式的痴呆症无法治愈,但Uthealth Neurosciences的医生开创了护理模型,可治疗症状并改善患者及其护理人员的生活质量。包括神经科医生,老年心理学家和社会工作者在内的团队将制定一项计划,其中可能包括教育,咨询,药物和行为修改。有时会开处方抗抑郁药以帮助控制行为症状。我们的专家团队还将有助于应对生活方式和环境变化,这可能对痴呆症患者有所帮助。可能建议降低血压和胆固醇,特别是对于血管痴呆患者。


At UTHealth Neurosciences, we offer patients access to specialized neurological care at clinics across the greater Houston area. To ask us a question, schedule an appointment, or learn more about us, please click below to send us a message. In the event of an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.
