How to trick-or-treat safely during a pandemic

劳拉·弗恩卡·戴维斯(Laura Frnka-Davis)
October 12, 2020

放置candy in cups for children to pick up instead of handing out candy can help with social distancing rules. (Photo by Lauren Mathews/UTHealth)

放置candy in cups for children to pick up instead of handing out candy can help with social distancing rules. (Photo by Lauren Mathews/UTHealth)

No doubt, the coronavirus has turned life on its head, causing us to adapt to a new normal.


“Most children look forward to the fall observance, planning their costumes for months, and while we don’t want to put a damper on the fun, we do want to encourage parents to exercise caution if they allow their children to partake this year,” said Susan Wootton, MD, pediatric infectious disease specialist with UT Physicians and associate professor of pediatrics at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth. “With a little preplanning and some strategic modifications, little ghosts and goblins can still have fun, while keeping themselves as well as those around them safe.”

Since March, the new rituals we have adopted – wearing a mask, social distancing, and proper handwashing hygiene – don’t take a holiday and should be integrated into trick-or-treating and other fall activities this year.




Social distance

Although it’s fun to trick-or-treat in packs, it’s not the safest way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Wootton recommends kids trick-or-treat with their family and avoid groups or gathering around a neighbor’s door. You also might think about visiting fewer houses this year and only participating for a brief amount of time.

Those handing out candy may opt to place candy inside children’s bags directly to prevent little hands from reaching into a candy bowl. Another option is to establish a table in front of your door and leave individual bags of candy, so children aren’t grabbing and coming into contact with each other.

Frequent handwashing

Just as you pack hand sanitizer in your child’s backpack for school, make sure they are armed with it before they go trick-or-treating. Kids will come in contact with communal candy bowls and will need to be aware of washing their hands after touching these types of surfaces.

Opting out

“It’s a bummer, but children with underlying health conditions that could lead to becoming severely ill from COVID-19 should not participate in trick-or-treating this year,” said Wootton. “Maybe this is the best time to think about coming up with some new and fun traditions for a holiday.”


Listen to the experts

“This situation is fluid and constantly changing, so parents need to heed the advice from local health officials in Houston and adapt plans accordingly should we see a spike in infections this fall,” said Wootton. “We want everyone to have a fun Halloween, but to be safe and smart about doing so.”

The CDC recently issued guidance outlining low risk, moderate risk, and high-risk activities associated with the holiday:


  • Carving pumpkins at home
  • Attending a virtual Halloween costume contest
  • Decorating your home, apartment, or living space


  • Attending an outdoor costume party where participants are wearing masks and are socially distancing.
    • 重要的是要注意,用塑料制成的服装面罩不是抵抗19 Covid-19的预防措施。除非它是由两层或多层透气的织物覆盖嘴和鼻子的,否则不会在脸上留出间隙,否则这是无法替代的。您可以选择一个以万圣节为主题的布面具,以补充您的服装。
  • Going to a pumpkin patch or orchard where mask-wearing is enforced.
  • Hosting an outdoor Halloween movie night where guests are spread out.


  • Traditional trick-or-treating door-to-door
  • 与不在家里的人一起去干草。
  • 参加拥挤的服装派对在室内举行。

Visit here for a complete list ofguidelines.


Regardless of how Halloween will look this year with COVID-19 in the mix, theAmerican Academy of Pediatricsreminds parents of the following tips for kids to have a safe and healthy Halloween:

  • Make sure that children can be seen with costumes that are bright and reflective.
  • 确保儿童鞋合身,服装不长,以防止绊倒。
  • 购买服装时,请确保在标签上说“耐火”。
  • 就配件而言,尝试避免锋利或长的剑,手杖或棍棒,如果孩子摔倒,可能会造成危险。

For more coronavirus resources and information, visit our COVID-19information center.
