
公共事务办公室Jeannette Sanchez
August 30, 2021

Dr. Ricardo Mosquera Telemedicine Appointments

由医学博士Ricardo Mosquera领导的一项研究,Uthealth的McGovern医学院发现,远程医疗的任命减少了进一步疾病的风险。(Roger Castro/Uthealth摄影)



患有医学复杂病例的儿童需要对遗传疾病,喂养困难和发育延迟等疾病等疾病进行严格的护理监督。这些儿童通常依靠诸如喂食管或气管施工等技术 - 插入喉咙中的管以帮助在肺部提供空气。

“一开始,我们担心通过远程医疗而不是在诊所看到孩子。”里卡多蚊子,医学博士, associate professor of肺医学在Uthealth的McGovern医学院和该研究的通讯作者。“这些患者中的大多数都有喂养管或气管托管,因此我们不知道会如何进行。但是,我认为我们发现的是有希望的。我认为提供者知道远程医疗的约会同样有效。他们不一定总是将高风险的患者带到诊所。”

Using a randomized approach, researchers assessed 422 patients between 2018 and 2020. Half of the patients in the study received traditional care and the other half received comprehensive care plus telemedicine visits.



“儿童医学复杂病例嗨gher risk of becoming severely ill. So, being able to assess these patients from their home, where they are less likely to be exposed to public areas or other critically ill patients, is important in reducing their risk. With telemedicine, we are able to provide care a lot faster. We are more proactive with prescribing medication right then and there. If a patient needs a quick telemedicine appointment Friday afternoon, I will assess them and they don’t have to wait the weekend to be seen, and there is no delay in getting the medication they need,” he said.

Mosquera says telemedicine should not replace critical in-person visits.


Uthealth的McGovern医学院的其他作者包括Jon Tyson, MD, MPH, professor of pediatrics, obstetrics and internal medicine, and the Michelle Bain Distinguished Professorship in Medicine and Public Health;医学博士Elenir Avritscher,儿科副教授;Claudia Pedroza, PhD,儿科副教授;Tomika S. Harris, RN,儿科护士从业者;Kyung Hyun Lee,博士,临beplay苹果手机能用吗床研究和基于证据医学中心的研究员;米歇尔·坡(Michelle Poe),博士, research nurse with the Center for Clinical Research and Evidence Based Medicine;医学博士Supriya Ramanathan,肺医学人员医师;Maria Caldas-Vasquez, MD,肺医学人员医师;医学博士朱莉·埃彭(Julie Eapen),肺医学助理教授;医学博士Aravind Yadav,肺医学助理教授;Diana Martinez Castillo, BS;和Matthew T. Harting, MD, associate professor of小儿手术。其他作者包括Madelene J. Ottosen,博士,Uthealth的Cizik护理学院护理研究助理教授;beplay苹果手机能用吗和泰迪·冈萨雷斯(Teddy Gonzalez),医学博士, with MasterWord Services Translation & Interpretation.