
Graduate School

Areas of Interest

Research Interests

Dr. Oh has expertise in education and prevention science with specific training and interest in two lines of interconnected research around social and emotional development. One line of research focuses on implementing and evaluating evidence-based intervention programs designed to build social-emotional competencies among students and teachers. The other line of research uses various longitudinal data analysis methods to understand dynamic processes of learning and development and the interplay between individual and contextual characteristics in shaping these processes.

OH博士还是定量方法在教育研究中的应用专家,特别关注严格和创新的统计方法,可以更好地解决因果关系,并提供更严格的科学证据来指导教育计划,实践和政策。beplay苹果手机能用吗她在各种研究设计中都有丰富的经验beplay苹果手机能用吗。其中包括:(a)由教育科学研究所(IES)资助的探索项目,重点是检查学龄儿童外在化和内在化问题的合并症(R324A200184);(b) a randomized-controlled trial project funded by the Administration for Children and Families (90YR0132) that evaluates the efficacy of the Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE) program for promoting Head Start educators’ social-emotional well-being and classroom management and interactions; and (c) two subawards from the Pennsylvania State University involving secondary-data analyses of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Kindergarten Cohort (NSF – 1761012; IES – R324A200166).

OH博士还曾在几个致力于研究旨在促进社会情感和学术能力的基于学校和家庭的干预措施的影响方面的联邦资助项目共同投资者,尤其是在高需求的学生和学校中。外围beplay其中包括由IES(R305A200251; R305A210075; R305A180406; R305A180094; R305A140113)和NIH(R01HD100560)资助的。


Crawford, A., Varghese, C.,Oh, Y。, Guttentag, C., Zucker, T., Landry, S., & Cummins, R. A. (2021). An Initial Investigation of the CIRCLE Infant-Toddler Teacher Training for Toddler Teachers.早期教育和发展,1-25。doi:10.1080/10409289.2021.1961427

Schussler, D. L.,Oh, Y.,Mahfouz, J., Levitan, J., Frank, J. L., Broderick, P. A., Mitra, J.L., Berrena, E., Kohler, K., & Greenberg, M. (2021). Stress and Well-Being: A systematic case study of adolescents’ experiences in a mindfulness-based intervention.儿童和家庭研究杂志。30, 431-446. DOI:

Mihić,J。,Oh, Y。, Greenberg, M., & Kranželić, V. (2020). Effectiveness of mindfulness-based social emotional learning program CARE for Teachers within Croatian context.Mindfulness。11, 2206-2218.

贝利(D.H.)Oh, Y。, Farkas, G., Morgan, P., & Hillemeier, M. (2020). Reciprocal effects of reading and mathematics? Beyond the cross-lagged panel model.Developmental Psychology。56(5), 912-921.

Oh, Y。, Greenberg, M, Willougby, M., & The Family Life Project Investigator (2020). Examining longitudinal associations between externalizing and internalizing behavior problems at within- and between-child levels.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology。48, 467–480.

Jennings,P.A。,Doyle,S.,Oh, Y。护理计划对教师的社会和情感能力和福祉的长期影响。Journal of School Psychology。76. 186-202

Smith, E.P., Osgood, W.,Oh, Y。,&Caldwell,L。(2018)。促进课后质量和积极的青年发展:PAX良好行为游戏的聚类随机试验。预防科学。19(2),159-173。

Oh, Y。,W。Osgood和E.P. Smith(2015)。使用设置级别的观察方法来测量课后计划质量。早期的青春期》杂志上。35(5-6). 681-713.