


Dean and Professor
Chair in Informatics Excellence
uthealth of BioMedical信息学


We are in the throes of a fundamental economic and societal transformation.

通过农业从粮食不安全达到10,000公元前10,000公元前10,000公元前10,000公元前10,000公元前10,000名粮食的农业革命;从200年前开始的工业革命开始通过机器从艰苦的身体劳动中获得艰苦的人;和人工智能(AI)革命现在发生的是把人们从认知下解放出来labor through powerful computing, universal connectivity, and massive data. While AI has been disrupting and transforming many industries, including information access, communication, retail, manufacturing, agriculture, entertainment, travel, finance, and education, its seismic tremor is just beginning to impact the largest industry in the U.S., which accounts for nearly one-fifth of its GDP: Healthcare.

As a global academic leader in the areas of人工智能,数据科学和信息学用于医学和医疗保健,生物医学信息学(SBMI)在休斯顿德克萨斯州德克萨斯州卫生科学中心(UTHealth) is helping the world reshape the future of medicine and healthcare through active engagement in the AI Revolution.

At SBMI, we collect, process, and convert data—ranging from molecules to populations—into actionable information, knowledge, and intelligence; we educate current and future leaders, innovators, and problem solvers across Texas, the nation, and the world; and we disrupt, transform, and innovate to elicit biomedical discoveries, improve healthcare delivery, and aid in disease prevention by conducting outstanding basic and applied research and developing impactful information technology products and solutions.

我们的专业知识了解三个广泛的教育和研究领域:(1)数据科学和人工智能,(2)临床和健康信息学,和(3)生物信息学和系统医学beplay苹果手机能用吗。而且,SBMI的教育计划旨在涵盖最广泛的学生需求,包括若干毕业证书计划(全部在线),两个硕士计划(研究和应用;两者在线和亲自),两名博士学位(博士学位 - 强调卫生信息学的研究和博士学位[DHI]beplay苹果手机能用吗] - emphasizing application and executive training), and a growing number of dual-degree programs (e.g., MD/MS, PhD/MPH, and MS/MPH, etc.).

SBMI faculty and students represent a wide array of health professions (e.g., medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, etc.), as well as the fields of computer science and engineering, mathematics and statistics, clinical informatics and bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, the biomedical sciences, healthcare management, cognitive science, and the law. The diverse background of our faculty and students, coupled with the transdisciplinary nature of the school's education and research programs, creates a uniquely rich and rewarding collaborative environment that lays the groundwork for innovation and seminal discoveries.


  • 制定全新的方式来整合和协调生物医学数据并将其转换为可操作的信息,知识和智力
  • 建立临床数据仓库,以优化患者护理和质量改进,支持临床和翻译研究beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • 雇用深入学习预测医院的入院,以及心力衰竭,脓毒症发病,癫痫发作突发的死亡(sudep),中风发病和结果,以及许多其他条件和问题,即改善医疗保健
  • 使用统计方法来阐明癌症和其他医疗条件的基因组基础
  • 发现现有FDA批准的药物的新功能
  • 通过使用机器学习和自然语言处理(NLP)分析EHRS来监测和检测与药物相互作用相关的不良事件
  • 编写高级加密算法以确保患者数据的安全性
  • 利用深度学习检测帕金森病和精神病疾病的计算生物标志物
  • 部署高级数据分析方法,以确保医疗保健质量和患者安全
  • 开发和评估临床决策支持系统
  • 应用深度学习对中风患者的CT图像,以确定血管内血栓切除术的资格
  • 创建工具和指南以优化EHR可用性和工作流程
  • 发明移动平台向患者提供健康信息
  • 开创EHR的未来派功能和模块


计算机科学家Alan Kay着名,“预测未来的最佳方式是发明它。”在这种精神,我会邀请您为我们的大胆企业提供独特的愿景和能力,我们共同为医疗保健,疾病预防和生物医学发现创造了一个有影响力的未来。

在SBMI,我们是将数据转换为Power Lean Health™

Dean and Professor
uthealth of BioMedical信息学
