
Alumni Benedicta Anikputa appointed by Governor Abbott to the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force

MPH校友,Benedicta Anikputa,RN帮助引导德克萨斯州慢性肾脏病工作组

Alumni Benedicta Anikputa appointed by Governor Abbott to the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force
Benedicta Anikputa,MPH,RN被任命为慢性肾脏疾病工作队(照片由Benedicta Anikputa提供)

UTHealth公共卫生校友Benedicta Anikputa,MPH,RN最近由州州州长格雷格·雅培(Greg Abbott)任命为慢性肾脏疾病工作队。与其他工作队成员一起,Anikputa将协调该州预防,筛查,诊断和管理慢性肾脏病(CKD)计划的设计和实施。该职责还将包括向德克萨斯州的医疗保健专业人员教育和传播最新的预防和治疗方法。

Anikputa currently lives in Austin and works as a nurse with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Following her undergraduate education at The University of Texas at Austin, she pursued her master’s degree in public health from UTHealth School of Public Health.

“While in graduate school, I had the opportunity to participate in theArcher奖学金计划,这激发了我对担任公务员的兴趣。” Anikputa说。“我也是案件竞赛的成员,并与知识渊博的教授一起上课,所有这些都为我毕业后的各种职业角色提供了帮助。

CKD is recognized as a major public health threat in Texas. Addressing the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care of CKD residents involves major oversite. While working as a policy nurse for the kidney healthcare program, Anikputa recognized the impact and importance of government involvement in the health of Texans.

“Government appointments allow you to participate in discussions from a new perspective. This task force pulls together experts from all different areas that work in the world of kidney health and are invested in the health of Texans. Government appointments assure that there are groups of passionate experts working to tackle problems that affect Texans.” she said.

Having served in different roles and capacities since graduating from UTHealth School of Public Health, Anikputa shares her advice to current students and recent graduates:

“Be open to different opportunities. Public health means a lot of things, from infection control to maternal health, chronic diseases, and environmental justice. You never know where life is going to lead you. It's okay to have a niche or a passion but don't let that desire make you turn away opportunities that might lead you to wonderful things you could have never dreamed of.”


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