
Shen on AAPI Month and Representation in Public Health

SM的Gordon Shen博士谈到了AAPI在公共卫生领域的经验和重要性

SM戈登·沉(Gordon Shen)助理教授讨论了他对AAPI Heritage月份的经验和重要性
Gordon Shen, PhD, SM, Assistant Professor of Management, Policy, and Community Health shares his experiences and the importance of AAPI Heritage Month

GS: I am a 1.5 generation immigrant from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. I consider both Hong Kong and the United States to be my homesteads. I bring up that part of my identity because it mutually informed my development as a student, later faculty. The field of public health developed significantly in my lifetime. My family and I gained a deeper understanding of public health owing to SARS, which had a deep impact on Hong Kong in 2003. Witnessing that epidemic and health disparities inspired me to enter the field, and I was among the first class to minor in public health as an undergraduate student at UCLA. I learned about the COVID-19 pandemic from reading Chinese news in late 2019. I understand the logic of China's current Zero-COVID Policy owing to my upbringing, knowledge about the Chinese health reform, and the year I spent in Beijing as a Fulbright-Fogarty Fellow. I see my academic career as a bridge between cultures and contexts.

Does race/ethnicity play a role in your research? If so, how?

在随后的几年中,我对研究中国的卫生系统改革产生了积极的兴趣。beplay苹果手机能用吗自2009年当代改革启动以来,我将强调中国政府在加强其国家卫生系统方面取得的巨大进展,并将其与我的研讨会课程“比较卫生系统”相提并论。我在中国医院对我们的两个博士生Yijiong Yang和Yiqun Wang进行了一项持续的研究。最后,我作为乔治·H·W(George H.W.布什中国美国 - 中国基金会。

GS:在这里,我想提出非洲的观念Ubuntu(“我是我通过别人的人”)和中国的概念公志,或一个关系和社交网络的系统,可以促进交易,因为我根本无法单独克服逆境,尤其是在过去两年中。像其他初级教师一样,我们兼顾研究,教学和服务承诺。beplay苹果手机能用吗我们也一直在集体处理疾病,死亡和社会运动(即黑人生活问题)。没有我的导师丽贝卡·威尔斯(Rebecca Wells)博士的社会支持,我在Uthealth Public Health的出色同事,以及其他想法(包容,多样性,公平和倡导)委员会成员,我无法克服各自专业和个人方面的逆境。。

On a lighter note, boxing helps! During advising sessions with students, I bring up when appropriate, is the quadfecta to wellness: exercise, diet, sleep, and stress management.


我还从其他领域的不同媒介工作的名人中汲取灵感。出于此个人资料的目的,想到的名字是I. M. Pei(建筑师),Ocean Vuong(诗人),Anish Kapoor(雕塑家),Chloe Zhao(导演)和Danny Bowien(Chef)。


GS: It is so important. There was no road map for a scholar like me, someone whose interests lie at the intersection of management, mental health, and global health. I didn't have a reference point early in my career even though I am fortunate enough to have mentors who guided me in every stage of my training. I realized as I was rising through the ranks that I had to carve out that role in academia.


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