
Psychology and trauma experts weigh in on the local and international impact of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

war-stricken building



“It’s overwhelming when you start to think about it,” saidPaula Cuccaro, PhD,Uthealth公共卫生学院的健康促进与行为科学助理教授。“有一些系统来支持社区,当城市入侵时,这些资源中的每一个都被破坏了。”Cubeplay苹果手机能用吗ccaro的研究心理学家的研究工作着重于改善弱势青年的健康成果,她在创伤恢复和护理方面拥有丰富的经验。她说:“有些人会遭受这些攻击,其中很大程度上是归因于支持社区的系统的破坏。”

The conflict will impact a number of different groups across the region, including in Russia and the countries hosting refugees, but, of course its most direct and lasting impact will be to the Ukrainian people themselves, who amid the widespread destruction of cities and mass displacement of people, “will experience a delay in standard medical care, but also a disruption to basic health support infrastructure such as sanitation, water treatment, and access to food sources,” said Cuccaro.

截至2022年3月20日,超过1000万乌克兰公民流离失所,有350万人离开该国在该国以外寻求避难所。“吸收乌克兰难民的国家将面临适应人们涌入并提供护理和治疗的挑战。”杰克·西(Jack Tsai),博士,圣安东尼奥公共卫生学院的校园院长。Tsai花在他的学术和研究生涯中研究了与无家可归,严重的精神疾病beplay苹果手机能用吗,创伤和健康差异有关的主题。

正如定期参考“世界大战”一词,许多美国人认为这对当地社区和家庭可能意味着什么。Tsai说:“有严重的影响和下游影响。”“由于国际贸易协定的经济波动,美国的家庭正遭受压力的增加,但在发生大规模谋杀案时成为旁观者也令人担忧。”最近的新闻和媒体报道使观众的战争使战争浮出水面,这使许多与战争有关的全球更新持续不断地令人沮丧。Tsai说:“我们通过社交媒体获取信息可以增加我们对国外人员的关注程度,以及它将如何在本地影响我们。”他提到了最近的一项报道,其中有84%的美国成年人同意俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵一直令人恐惧(APA, 2022)。“这也只是从199大流行中恢复的基础上增加了压力。”



Tsai also points to the potential for mistreatment of locals of Russian-descent. “There are elements of prejudice, or ‘anti-Russian rhetoric’, that could lead to an increase of violence towards those with Russian-ties or background.”

The current crisis in Ukraine continues to cause severe trauma for citizens, while also creating ripple effects heard and felt around the world. Despite the distance of 6,000 miles, the support for the Ukrainian citizens remains steadfast within the state of Texas. “There are elements of shame that may come with needing to rely on others,” said Cuccaro, referring to the loss of independence after fleeing a home country. Initiatives such as the Ukrainian march protesting the invasion, humanitarian aid to support the refugees and those displaced, as well as grace for Russian citizens can all contribute to the efforts of coexisting and encouraging peace.

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