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Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

About Us



西南职业与环境健康中心(SWCOEH)支持赠款#T42OH008421资助的职业和环境健康的研究,教育和外展。beplay苹果手机能用吗这项ERC Grant是David Gimeno博士和医学博士乔治·德尔克罗斯(George Delclos)的领导,他担任ERC董事兼副主任。

2016-2021 SWCOEH ERC Program Impact and Outcomes


TWH  - 附属Badge-1_webSwcoeh于1977年成立为前九人之一国家职业安全与健康研究所(NIOSH)资助的教育与研究中心(ERC)beplay苹果手机能用吗,现在是全国仅有的18个ERC之一。NIOSH的创始董事Marcus M. Key,MIH,MIH,也是Swcoeh ERC的第一位主任。1985年,Swcoeh变成了世界卫生组织职业健康中心合作. Having grown considerably since we were established, we also conduct research on how environmental and occupational exposures affect health and on how to mitigate health risks associated with these exposures. As of 2019, the SWCOEH has been officially approved as an affiliate of theNIOSH总工人健康计划, strengthening a partnership spanning more than 40 years.

SWCOEH ERC Directors

2020年 David Gimeno Ruiz de Porras,博士
2011-2019 Elaine Symanski, PhD
2006-2011 Sarah A. Felknor, DrPH
1997 - 2006 乔治·L·德尔克罗斯(George L. Delclos),医学博士,MPH,博士
1991-1997 劳伦斯·W·怀特海德(W. Whitehead),MPH,博士,CIH
1988-1991 Patricia Buffler, RN, PhD
1985- 1988年 Edward J. Fairchild II, PhD
1977-1985 Marcus M. Key, MD, MIH


一个外部顾问委员会comprised of members from industry, labor, government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academia provide guidance to the SWCOEH on current and future directions.






To promote and improve health, safety, and well-being for workers and their communities through inspiring education, innovative research, and engaging outreach.





Excellence– Address work-related challenges through a commitment to interdisciplinary and interprofessional approaches aiming for an outstanding standard of excellence and performance.

Collaboration– Foster a network of stakeholders to collaborate with for a greater collective impact.

Integrity– Ensuring every action of the Center is conducted with integrity, honesty, fairness, and consistent with the Center’s mission.




What We Do


这threats to health and well-being posed by occupational and environmental factors are complex and require interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to improve the health of workers and communities. In addition to utilizing the best available research practices and interventions, solutions must also consider geographic, economic, behavioral, cultural and political dimensions. The SWCOEH addresses these threats by providing graduate-level education in environmental and occupational health, conducting research into the causes, prevention and control of disease and injury, engaging in research to practice activities, and providing continuing education and outreach to our stakeholders.


我们在包括军事健康,人beplay苹果手机能用吗体工程学,农场工作人员健康,工作场所暴力和空气污染流行病学的领域进行研究。资金主要来自NIH,CDC NIOSH,DOD和FEMA。


这SWCOEH provides a variety of graduate-level training opportunities for occupational and environmental health professionals through ourindustrial hygiene,occupational and environmental medicine,职业流行病学, 和Total Worker Health®.

Continuing Education and OutreachFarmworkers

SWCOEH继续教育(CE)和外展计划serves as a training resource for professionals by delivering specialized courses in response to current training needs and responding to emerging issues in occupational and environmental health.




Gimeno Circle Headshot 2022

David Gimeno, PhDCenter Director and Occupational Epidemiology Program Director

David Gimeno Ruiz de Porras, MSc, PhD, has served as Director of the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health since 2020. He is a tenured Professor within the EHGES Department at UTHealth School of Public Health in San Antonio. Since 2014, he has been the Program Director of the Occupational Epidemiology Doctoral Training Program, part of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center at the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. He is a trained psychologist and social and occupational epidemiologist with a Master in Occupational Hazards Prevention and a PhD in Public Health.


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乔治·德尔克罗斯(George Delclos),医学博士,MPH,博士副主任

George Delclos, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. is tenured Professor in the EHGES Department at the UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston, Professor and Marcus M. Key, M.D. – Shell Occupational and Environmental Health Endowed Chair, and Distinguished Teaching Professor of The University of Texas System. He served as Director of the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health from 1997-2006 and currently serves as the Deputy Director of the SWCOEH. His current areas of research focus include: occupational and environmental asthma (epidemiological and clinical aspects, with an emphasis on healthcare workers and cleaners); national surveys of working conditions, employment and health, with a focus in Latin America; determinants of sickness absence, presenteeism and disability; and Total Worker Health and expanding paradigms for occupational safety and health. In collaboration with NIOSH, Dr. Delclos planned and led the 2021 Ex4OSH conference in 2021, a virtual conference with an expanded focus on occupational safety and health.


一个nette Allett —Program Manager

安妮特·阿莱特(Annette Allett)担任西南职业与环境健康中心的计划经理,负责监督该中心的所有行政方面,并担任学员的联络人。自2013年以来,她就一直在Swcoeh工作。Annette因其本科学习而在檀香山的夏尼德大学就读。她是美国海军的资深人士,她的爱好包括旅行和半程马拉松比赛。


David Douphrate博士 - 工业卫生计划主管

David Douphrate是西南职业与环境健康中心的工业卫生计划主任。他的学术背景包括物理治疗和工商管理的硕士学位,以及在环境健康方面的博士学位,重点是职业人体工程学和安全性。他是一名认证的专业人体工程学家(CPE),也是经过认证的安全专业人员(CSP)。他对与工作相关的肌肉骨骼疾病的病因和预防以及符合人体工程学原则的应用来提高工人健康和绩效以及组织的生产力和效率,特别感兴趣。他的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗主要针对农业工业部门的工人健康和安全问题。

Brett Perkison Circle头像


威廉布雷特“Perkison职业医师ine Residency Program Director for the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. He holds a joint appointment at UTHealth Dept. of Family Medicine. He is currently involved in research in the specific areas of heat stress prevention and improving readiness for restoring post flood buildings in a safe manner. Originally from Texarkana, Texas, he obtained his undergraduate degree in Biology at Texas A&M University and then his medical degree at UTMB Galveston. He completed his intern year in Family Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and then served three years as General Medical Officer stationed overseas in the U.S. Navy.

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Rena “Sue” Day, PhD —Total Worker Health®临时计划主任

Rena “Sue” Day is the Director of theTotal Worker Health®doctoral track in Environmental Sciences for the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. As a nutritional epidemiologist, she has worked in a variety of areas including cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and occupational health. She has a primary affiliation with the Epidemiology Department and a secondary with Health Promotion and Behavioral Science. She works with the Nourish program using the seed to plate model and a train the trainer approach to help people learn to eat healthier and appreciate real food. Using the Culinary Kitchen and Holistic Garden programs they improve the health of people at UTHealth and the greater Houston community.


Michelle McDaniel — Continuing Education Program Director

Ches BS的Michelle McDaniel是Uthealth公共卫生学院西南职业与环境健康中心继续教育(CE)的主任。米歇尔(Michelle)自2016年1月以来一直在Swcoeh工作,并监督CE计划的各个方面,包括开发,实施,培训活动评估和计划。她将健康科学教育和研究经验带给她在职业健康和安全方面的工作,目前正在攻读健康科学硕士学位,beplay苹果手机能用吗重点是健康教育。在2016年加入UTHealth之前,她在休斯敦的UT MD Anderson癌症中心和行为研究工作临床研究和研究管beplay苹果手机能用吗理局工作,在那里她与患者和健康教育互动进行了广泛的工作。米歇尔(Michelle)喜欢瑜伽,远足,阅读和与家人共度时光。

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Anabel Rodriguez博士 - 外展计划主任

一个abel Rodriguez is the Outreach Program Director for the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. Her research and outreach efforts focus on improving the health and safety of vulnerable working populations, in particular Spanish and Mayan (Indigenous) language-speaking, Hispanic agricultural working populations. As a former SWCOEH Occupational Epidemiology Trainee, her collaborative research and outreach work aims to improve the level of awareness and knowledge of health problems and the assessment of health care needs, barriers, and feasibility of on-worksite health service delivery and its application toTotal Worker Health®.More recently her focus has been on the delivery of culturally, linguistically, and literacy appropriate health resources and the facilitation of on-worksite clinics for agricultural workers and their families. As a former migrant seasonal farmworker and daughter of Spanish-speaking Mexican immigrants, the intentions and purpose of her research and outreach work are personal and heartfelt.

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Jenil Patel,博士 - 试点项目研究计划主管beplay苹果手机能用吗

Jenil Patel是西南职业与环境健康中心的试点项目研究培训计划的主任。beplay苹果手机能用吗他于2021年6月领导了第一个虚拟联合西南中心职业健康研究研讨会。他获得了德克萨斯大学公共卫生学院休斯顿公共卫生学院的流行病学博士学位。beplay苹果手机能用吗帕特尔(Patel)博士是来自印度的训练有素的医师,并获得了SMT的医学和外科手术学士学位(MBBS)学位。古吉拉特大学B. K. Shah医学研究所和研究中心。beplay苹果手机能用吗他拥有西肯塔基大学的健康教育MPH。Patel博士还是UW Health Equity的Heli Program学者合作中心。

Read Dr. Patel’s Bio



Masoud Afshar

Masoud Afsharis an Analytical Chemist for the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at UTHealth School of Public Health, since he joined the University in 1995. Masoud received his Master Degree in Analytical Chemistry from Sam Houston State University.

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Kira Litvin

Kira Litvin是持续,专业和高等教育的教学设计师。在美国,韩国,印度尼西亚和卡塔尔,她一直是教育家和学习的促进者已有20多年了。她的经验包括教室和在线教学,同步网络研讨会,研讨会和会议。她获得了鲍灵格林州立大学的美国文化研究学士学位,克拉里昂大学的图书馆和信息科学硕士(MLIS)以及UC Irvine UC Irvine的Elearning教学设计研究生证书。在业余时间,她喜欢远足,旅行和与丈夫和少年共度时光。

Christine Markham Circle Headshot

Christine Markham, PhD

Christine Markham, PhD, is Professor and Interim Department Chair for Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health, Houston, Texas. She has over 25 years' experience in child and adolescent health promotion, developing and evaluating multilevel interventions in adolescent sexual health, childhood obesity prevention, and chronic disease management. Much of her research focuses on the use of technology to increase the reach and implementation of evidence-based interventions. She is co-author of the textbook, Planning Health Promotion Programs: An Intervention Mapping Approach, 4th edition, and teaches graduate-level courses and workshops in Intervention Mapping nationally and internationally.Full Bio

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Kristina Mena, PhD

Kristina D. (Crabtree) Mena, MSPH, PhD is the El Paso Campus Dean of UT-Houston School of Public Health. She is Associate Professor and Program Head of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. Dr. Mena earned a BA in Biology at Franklin College (Indiana), a MSPH at the University of South Florida, a PhD in environmental microbiology at The University of Arizona, and completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Kansas State University. Dr. Mena has over 25 years of experience addressing disease transmission through water and food using risk assessment and epidemiological studies. Dr. Mena was re-appointed by former USEPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to serve second terms on both the USEPA Chartered Science Advisory Board and the USEPA Drinking Water Committee.阅读克里斯蒂娜·梅纳(Kristina Mena)的简历.


Aurelia“ Leah” Merrill

利亚·梅里尔(Leah Merrill)在德克萨斯大学健康科学中心工作了25年。她目前是西南职业与环境健康中心的高级数据分析师。利亚喜欢看体育,旅行和与家人和朋友共度时光。


Matthew Pedersen

马修·皮德森加入了Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health2021年4月作为传播专家。他管理西南中心网站和社交媒体渠道,创建书面和视频内容,并监督西南中心的讲故事。在Uthealth之前,他曾在休斯顿迪纳摩(Houston Dynamo)担任高级传播经理五年,管理俱乐部的书面交流,并在媒体和俱乐部之间担任联络人。


Silvia Santiago

Silvia P. Santiago担任西南职业与环境健康中心的继续教育协调员。她与课程主任紧密合作,以促进新课程。在加入该中心之前,她曾在流行病学部人类遗传学和环境科学系工作。她毕业于自由大学的人类健康服务硕士学位。她住在危地马拉和加拿大,喜欢去新地方。

Mary Ann Smith

Mary Ann Smith, PhD

玛丽·安·史密斯(Mary Ann Smith)的培训是药学和药理学 /毒理学的培训。她的兴趣集中在理解异源生物诱导的毒性机制上,因为它们与环境和职业暴露以及随后的不良健康影响有关。此外,她对将复杂的科学信息转换为语言也很感兴趣,该语言是通用公众可以访问的,特别强调了对服务不足社区的可访问性。

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Wei-Chung Su,博士

Wei-Chung SU的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗兴趣集中在与环境和职业健康有关的空气寄生颗粒物(Aerosol)。他的专业知识是气溶胶呼吸沉积实验,特别是对于具有纤维,纳米材料和超细颗粒等不规则形状的机载颗粒。基于他先前的研究经验,他在Uthealbeplay苹果手机能用吗th中建立了一个气溶胶肺沉积实验室,重点是研究与工作相关的气溶胶呼吸沉积问题。他是认证的工业卫生学家(CIH),也是美国工业卫生协会(AIHA)的气雾技术委员会的前任主席。作为Ehges and the Swcoeh的教职员工,他为环境和职业健康计划提供了多个核心和选修课程,例如工业卫生基础(PH 2245),职业健康控制(PH 2250)和风险分析(PH 2135))。


佩吉·韦恩西尔布尔(Peggy Weinshilboum)

Peggy Weinshilboum于2011年加入UTHealth公共卫生学院和2016年西南中心。目前,她是职业和环境医学居住计划的计划协调员。她喜欢和丈夫和两只狗一起散步,并期待着旅行。

