
Swcoeh校友Nicole Greeson('01)选举美国工业卫生协会(AIHA)的副总裁

休斯顿(2022年7月21日) - 西南尼科·格雷斯森(Nicole Greeson),哥伦比亚省妮可·格雷斯森(Nicole Greeson),CIH,西南工业卫生(IH)的前NIOSH培训生(SWCOEH)(SWCOEH),2001年毕业于乌索健康学院,毕业于公共卫生学院美国工业卫生协会(AIHA)副主席。

“Being elected VP means that I can continue to serve the association whose mission I strongly support - empowering and advancing those who apply scientific knowledge to protect all workers and their communities from occupational and environmental hazards,” Greeson said.“从延伸中,我将为职业和环境健康与安全专业的人提供服务,他们正在努力使工人及其社区保持健康和安全。希望我能以有意义的有影响力的方式这样做。”


“我对我的杰出教授,我的研究以及我的同学们有了很大的回忆,在毕业以来的几年中,我一直在与同事保持联系。beplay苹果手机能用吗我的教育和研究为我的成功事业做好了beplay苹果手机能用吗很好的准备。特别是,我将批判性思维和口头和书面沟通技巧在休斯顿的Uthealth Houston磨练为基本基础。”

Greeson has risen through the ranks at the AIHA, most recently serving as 2020–2022 treasurer and 2019–2020 treasurer-elect.自2001年以来,她一直是AIHA的成员,在2014年和2017年和医疗保健工作组中担任指导和专业发展委员会(担任主席,副主席和过去的主席)。她还从2014年至2015年担任美国工业卫生委员会董事会主席。


The AIHA held its induction on May 25, during AIHA’s Annual Business Meeting in Nashville, TN, as part of the Association’s conference this year, AIHce EXP 2022. The Board of Directors candidates were recommended by AIHA’s Nominating Committee, from a pool of nominees put forward by the AIHA membership at large through a rigorous open call process.

“I am grateful that my employer, Duke University, has supported my years of volunteer service to AIHA, including this four-year term as VP, President-elect, President, and Past President.”

