Welcome from the Alumni Association President

RogerKhetanWelcome to the McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston Alumni Association website. We are looking forward to utilizing this site to keep our alumni even better connected and engaged.

Stay Active

I am constantly surprised when I run into a colleague and find out that they also went to McGovern Medical School. I ask you to reach out to them to stay active with our school. One of the main reasons is to make sure theircontact informationis up-to-date so we can connect.

For those of us who are more active with social media, please feel free to post messages andshareyour articles, blogs, and presentations. Our colleagues do amazing things, but we need to share it with our friends at the medical school. I get a smile on my face whenever a fellow alum messages me, especially when they tease me about things from residency and medical school.

Get Involved

The friends I have gained by staying in touch with the Alumni Association are numerous and very fulfilling. The Alumni Association is always looking for new ways for us to help out our alumni and medical students. Some of the ways you can get involved are:

Pay it Forward

Now, I want to ask you to consider helping our medical students with afinancial contributionwhen you can afford it. These financial gifts can go towards the White Coat Ceremony, scholarships for tuition assistance or emergency funds, and the famous Henry Strobel, PhD, Retreat.

If you would like to see something added to the Alumni Association, feel free to reach out to our fantastic Board or staff members who can help you make your thoughts come to life.

Lastly, thank you for your friendship, your courage, your strength, and for your continuous giving financially, mentally, and emotionally to the people around you on a daily basis.


Roger Khetan, MD, FACP, FHM
McGovern Medical School, Class of 1994
President, McGovern Medical School Alumni Association