Pectus Excavatum and Carinatum Repair

Pectus excavatum is a structural disformity of the chest where the breastbone sinks into the chest. In severe cases, the condition can look like a portion of the center of the chest has been scooped out leaving a deep dent. During surgery, the sternum or breast bone, are realigned so that the heart and lungs are not crowded by the inward curve of the chest.

Pectus Carinatum is a rare deformity in the chest where the breastbone pushes outward, rather than being flush against the chest. It is caused when the chest wall develops and the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum grow outward instead of growing flat along the chest. For mild to moderate forms of pectus carinatum, orthotic braces are used to treat and manage the condition to flatten the breastbone. For more severe cases, or cases where braces were unsuccessful, surgical treatment may be an option. The procedure involves removing the abnormal cartilage and repositioning the breastbone into a normal position. Surgical hardware such as plates and screws may be used to maintain the new position of the breastbone.