
July 26, 2021

LMSA President
MD Candidate – Class of 2024

  1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
    I am a first generation American that is passionate about the field of pediatrics. My parents immigrated from Mexico in the 90’s with the belief that their future children would have more opportunities in the US. Their immense sacrifice is the reason I get to study medicine and pursue my dreams.
  2. What inspired you to go to medical school?
    I was inspired to go to medical school by experiencing first-hand the inequalities that affect marginalized communities. I wanted to do more to help communities such as undocumented individuals or low-income neighborhoods.
  3. What are/were your role models in medicine?
    Latina Physicians who have been bold enough to be trailblazers in the field.
  4. What is the most helpful advice you’ve received?
    I have had a unique and non-traditional path to medical school. I decided to take two gap years and was nervous about that decision, but this advice helped me feel confident about my path. “The speed doesn’t matter, forward is forward”
  5. What is your favorite thing about UTHealth?
    I love the community the students have formed at UTHealth. At McGovern Medical School the MS2’s serve as mentors called “buddies” to the incoming class. My MS2 buddy helped make the transition a lot easier for me and now I get to be someone’s buddy.
  6. What unexpected challenges have you have as a medical student and how did you overcome them?
    Imposter syndrome is something I have struggled with for years and Medical School only heightened that feeling. I am still working to overcome it but something that really helped was a quote by AOC. She said “A lot of people who struggle with imposter syndrome haven’t realized yet that what they are actually competing with is intergenerational wealth. Be patient and kind to yourself.”

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