Sensory Systems

Numerous senses such as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching hold the key to our interaction with the outside world. Researchers at UTHealth are studying the way sensory stimuli are converted into electrical impulses, along with genetic defects that hinder this process, leading to conditions such as blindness and deafness. Topics in this theme include Sensory Disorders, Somatosensation, Pain and Touch, Olfaction and Taste, Auditory and Vestibular Systems, Vision, Visual Sensory-motor Processing, and Multisensory Integration.

下ing UTHealth NRC faculty conduct research in the theme of Sensory Systems:

Ore-Ofe Adesina, MD
Shazia F. Ali, MD
Andrew Allison, MD
Carlos Artime, MD
Mark Burish, MD, PhD
Robert Butner, MD
Alice Chuang, PhD
Nachum Dafny, PhD
Stephen Daiger, PhD
Garvin Davis, MD, MPH
Carmen Dessauer, PhD
Valentin Dragoi, PhD
Robert M. Feldman, MD
Daniel Felleman, PhD
Lara Ferrario, MD
Layla Ghergherehchi, MD
Ruth Heidelberger, MD, PhD
Ryota Homma, PhD
Bhavani R. Iyer, OD
Stella Kim, MD
David A. Lee, MD, MBA
Grace Lindhorst, MD
Chai-An Mao, PhD
David Marshak, PhD
Steve Massey, PhD
Shin Nagayama, PhD
John O’Brien, PhD
Christophe Ribelayga, PhD
Karina Richani-Reverol, MD
Lori S. Sullivan, PhD
Nitin Tandon, MD
Edgar Walters, PhD