

韦恩·摩尔黑德(Wayne Moorehead)是四倍的截肢者,这一事实并没有抑制他的罐头态度或独立的精神。


Moorehead, who lives in Alexandria, Louisiana, was at a Medical Center in New Orleans for more than five weeks before being transferred to a Houston hospital.


A bi-lateral amputation above the knee was performed, as well as an amputation below both elbows. “I learned that it makes a huge difference when an amputation is below the knee, rather than above the knee,” he said, “because there are more challenges.”

摩尔黑德(Moorehead)在休斯顿医院(Houston Hospital)呆了两个星期,然后被转移到美国顶级康复医院之一的蒂尔(Tirr-Merior)赫尔曼(Hermann)。他解释说:“我需要学习基本的演习,例如上床上并穿好衣服。”“我在那里遇到了梅尔顿博士,我们立即将其击倒。她对我的康复产生了巨大的影响,我感谢她总是对我诚实。”

Danielle Melton, M.D., is associate professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).





”梅尔顿博士的团队工作是假同情ny to solve any issues I have and this is really appreciated,” said Moorehead.

“I see men in their 20s who decide to stay in their wheelchair,” he said. “I’m 48-years-old and I decided that kind of life wasn’t for me.”

He admitted that with an above the knee surgery, he had to re-think everything he does. “Just walking takes 300 percent more energy than I needed before I had the surgery.”


摩尔黑德(Moorehead)收到了梅尔顿(Melton)博士和她的团队的大力动力,他们继续使自己的世界变得更好。他的主要理疗师是克里斯汀·里夫斯(Kristin Reeves),他与何塞·古兹曼(Jose Guzman)进行职业疗法。

He appreciates also his non-stop family support. He gets encouragement from his wife, Dr. Barbara Moorehead, a clinical psychologist, and his daughter Christmas Day, her husband and two kids. He also values the special support provided by his mother-in-law, Ruthlyn Jarvis.

He joked that the positive side to the amputations is the extra time he has to be PawPaw to his grandkids. “It is special that I get to enjoy so much time with them.”


Even though “it is a long journey, never sell yourself short,” he said. “If today you can’t do something, tomorrow you can. It’s all about how you look at life and how motivated you want to be. I tell patients not to be ashamed of their amputation and to remember the amputation saved their life.”



He continues to enjoy life and has taken a cruise to Europe, travelled to Antigua and is planning a trip to the Virgin Islands, where he was born.

“I’m just trying my best to do whatever I can to enjoy life,” said Moorehead. “There’s a lot to look forward to and I’m not slowing down.”
