
Osteoporosis means “porous bone” and is a medical condition in which low bone mass causes your bones to become weak or brittle. Osteoporosis increases the risk for fractures, or broken bones, and often develops as we age due to changes in hormones, nutrition, and activity. Occasionally, younger people develop low bone mass due to other medical conditions.

54 million Americans are affected by osteoporosis and low bone mass.

After age 50, 25% of men and 50% of women will sustain an osteoporosis related fracture, orfragility fracture,from low-energy trauma (slips/trips/falls from standing height or less.[1]

With the proper evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment the process can be slowed down and even reversed.

The Bone Health Clinic of UT Ortho provides comprehensive treatment for those with recent fractures that have metabolic bone disorders or bone loss related to osteoporosis. The clinic helps streamline referral and triage processes for patients, by bringing together consulting physicians from endocrinology and orthopedic trauma as well as physical therapy and rehabilitation. In addition to treatment, supportive care is provided by physician assistants and nurse practitioners who counsel in nutrition, physical therapy, vitamin supplementation and the latest uses of osteoporosis medications with the goal and focus of promoting bone health, reducing fracture risks, accelerating healing and preventing falls.

The Bone Health Clinic is overseen byDr. James F. Kellamand staffed by克里斯蒂娜丫zdani PA-CandMaura Leo FNP-C. The team gives personalized treatment recommendations based on individual bone density and laboratory testing.

Our clinic is linked to the Memorial Hermann Fragility Fracture Program and the Texas Medical Center Fragility fracture Liaison Program.