
马修·韦尔登(Matthew Weldon)博士是德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth)(Uthealth)的麦戈文医学院(Uthealth)骨科外科科(Uthealth)骨科外科系的助理教授。Beplay体育中心


Weldon博士在得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的三一大学获得了本科学位,他是一名全会议足球运动员,并获得了生物学理学学士学位,以及经济学理学学士学位和经济学学士学位和商业学士学位。。他在罗斯大学(Ross University)完成了医学院,并获得了最高荣誉。Weldon博士在德克萨斯州达拉斯的卫理公会医院完成一项通用外科实习后,随后在休斯敦德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(UTHealth)的McGovern医学院完成了他的骨科手术住院医师。Beplay体育中心培训完成后,他继续在休斯敦(Uthealth)的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth)的麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)完成骨科运动医学专业培训,并被选为行政研究员。Beplay体育中心

Dr. Weldon is a member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM). He has extensive hands-on experience in sports medicine treating high school, collegiate, professional, and recreational athletes. He is currently the team physician for the Houston Dash and has worked with the Houston Texans, Houston Rockets, Houston Astros, Houston Dynamo, and the athletic teams at the University of Houston. Dr. Weldon is also currently the team physician for both North Shore High school in Houston, Texas and Bridgeland High School in Cypress, Texas and he participates in the care of many athletes at other local high schools as well.


Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
Medical School
Ross University School of Medicine, Miami, FL
Preliminary General Surgery Intern, Methodist Hospital, Dallas, TX
Orthopaedic Surgery Sports Medicine Fellow, McGovern Medical School, formerly The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) Medical School, Houston, TX



•目前与Alfred Mansour博士合作进行与截骨术有关的视差研究(现在)

•“术中PRP会影响ACL修复后ACL重建后患者功能和并发症发生率吗?”(德克萨斯州休斯顿) - 提交给AJSM(2019)

•“高能量不稳定股骨骨折的95度角叶片固定导致联合和最小并发症的高率”(德克萨斯州休斯顿) - 被JOT 2019(2018)接受

•与沃尔特·洛博士(Walt Lowe)博士合作回顾了他在初级与修订ACL之后的回归经验(2015)


•“刀片:遗忘的艺术”(德克萨斯州休斯顿) - 大回合演示文稿审查刀片镀金技术与文学(2016年)

• “Pediatric Lower Extremity Deformity Correction” (Houston, TX) – Grand Rounds presentation reviewing limb deformity (2016)

• “Pelvic Injuries in Polytrauma Patients” (Dallas, TX) – Grand Rounds presentation detailing various types of bony pelvic injuries and their initial management and resuscitation protocols (2014)

• “Management of Patients with Iatrogenic Acute Hemorrhagic Hypovolemia: Two Case Reports” (Dallas, TX) – Oral Presentation discussing the fluid resuscitation of two patients with acute hemodynamic instability after surgical procedures (2013)

•“历史的工具:骨科器械”(Dallas, Tx) – Grand Rounds presentation outlining the history and evolution of common Orthopaedic surgical instrumentation (2013)

•“秋天的传奇 - G60故事”(德克萨斯州达拉斯) - 大回合介绍,详细介绍了我们老年人(60岁以上)患者的髋部骨折。讨论了有关各种类型股骨骨折和多种治疗选择的信息(2012年)

•“完全髋关节置换术的直接前部方法”(马萨诸塞州Hyannis) - 口头介绍审查DAA到THA(2011)

•“膝盖解剖 - 佛罗里达州迈阿密) - 在拉金医院的Patricio Rossi博士的膝盖解剖结构中,他在佛罗里达州一年级国际大学医学学生的讲座系列中使用了膝盖解剖学(2010年))

•“良性骨肿瘤 - 骨软骨瘤”(迈阿密,佛罗里达州) - 口头介绍讨论骨软骨瘤的表现,病因,诊断和治疗,以及最近的文献(2010年)