
A two year Trauma Research Fellowship Program is available at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston’s Department of Surgery where the applicant will learn to design and execute laboratory experiments in collaboration with a variety of scientists who will help enhance the basic understanding of the problem under study. The trainees are immersed in the interactive research environment of the Center for Translational Injury Research to pursue collaborative research efforts of elucidating the role of the gastrointestinal tract in post injury multiple organ failure. The TRC (laboratories, conference rooms, and offices) is located in the medical school and is physically attached to the Memorial Hermann Hospital Level I Regional Trauma Center.


  1. 生物医学科学的道德维度
  2. beplay苹果手机能用吗通过公共卫生学院的研究课程
  3. beplay苹果手机能用吗实验室医学和护理研究培训
  4. 信息学