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Female children were almost twice as likely to report long COVID symptoms versus male children, according to a new study led by UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Dallas Campus. (Photo by Getty Images)
Female children were almost twice as likely to report long COVID symptoms versus male children, according to a new study led by UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Dallas Campus. (Photo by Getty Images)


学习,星期一在国际环境研究与公共卫生杂志beplay苹果手机能用吗, found that pediatric patients with private health insurance were 66% less likely to report long COVID symptoms versus those with government insurance.

大多数儿科COVID-19病例无症状;但是,少数儿童被诊断出患有多系统炎症综合征(MIS-C) - 一种罕见但严重的疾病,与SARS-COV-2感染有关。诊断为有或没有MIS-C的儿童的Covid-19疾病的持续症状在很大程度上是未知的。

“Over 27% of patients diagnosed with MIS-C and 15% of patients not diagnosed with MIS-C reported symptoms lasting more than four months,” said莎拉·弥赛亚博士,英里,这项研究的第一作者。教授和极为痛心r of epidemiology at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Dallas Campus. “These findings suggest that COVID illness is impacting a significant proportion of children long-term and that we need to start thinking about this not only as an acute, but a chronic pediatric condition.”



  • 未被诊断出患有MIS-C的儿童(54.49%的西班牙裔,19.23%的非西班牙裔黑人,政府保险的79.49%)比被诊断出患有MIS-C的儿童(平均6.43岁,与9.08岁)。
  • 大约11.5%的MIS-C儿童和37.8%的没有MIS-C的儿童报告了急性长期相互兴趣,而26.9%和15.3%的儿童分别报告了慢性长期covid。
  • 与男孩相比,女儿报告长期互联症状的可能性几乎是两倍。


同时,一个抽象的摘要强调了长卷对体育锻炼和心肺健康对儿童和青少年的影响,周二在田纳西州纳什维尔的美国胸部医师学院主持的胸部年度会议上,将其作为晚期休息器。德克萨斯大学西南医学中心(UT Southwestern)的儿科助理教授以及达拉斯儿童健康的儿科肺科医生Xie和Kubra Melike Bozkanat医学博士是摘要的共同作者,而弥赛亚是高级作家。

A second analysis of the same group of patients showed that nearly one-third of patients who participated in any athletic or physical activity in or outside of school reported a negative impact on physical or athletic performance, and 66.7% reported it was directly related to COVID-19 illness.

Specific complaints when returning to physical activity post COVID illness included tiredness (36.8%) and shortness of breath (10.5%). The odds of a decline in physical activity performance was over twice that among children with long COVID versus those without long COVID.


Overall, the most prevalent symptoms of long COVID included tiredness (6.7%), shortness of breath (5.8%), cough (5.1%), headache (4.5%), difficulty concentrating (4.5%), disrupted sleep (4.5%), other symptoms (3.8%), anxiety (3.5%), body aches (3.5%), joint pain (3.2%), chest pain (2.9%), intermittent fever (1.9%), and loss of taste or smell (1.6%).

Uthealth休斯顿公共卫生学院达拉斯校园的摘要合着者是MPH的杰克逊·弗朗西斯(Jackson Francis);魏(Weiheng)他,mph;M. Sunil Mathew,MSIT;Sumbul Shaikh,BS;和Sitara Weerakoon博士。摘要上的其他合着者是高级作家Jeffrey Kahn,博士学位,与UT Southwestern一起;MS Angela Rabl,与休斯顿公共卫生学院一起;Alejandra Lozano,BS,在达拉斯拥有儿童卫生系统;尼米沙·斯里坎特(Nimisha Srikanth),德克萨斯A&M大学的学生;南方卫理公会大学的学生Apurva Veeraswamy。 Shaikh and Kahn are also with Children’s Health System in Dallas.

除了弥赛亚,Xie,Mathew,Shaikh,Veeraswamy,Rabl,Francis,Lozano,He,Weerakoon,Srikanth和Khan和Khan,以及汗,国际环境研究与公共卫生杂志beplay苹果手机能用吗论文包括Clarissa Ronquillo,MPH;MPH的Valeria Sanchez和MPH的Olivia Kapera博士和Uthealth Houston公共卫生学院Austin Campus和MPH的Madeline Borel与该校的达拉斯校园一起。


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