

Avenue 360 Health and Wellnessis a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that provides a full range of healthcare to medically underserved communities across the Houston area. They have seven clinics in the Greater Houston Area that provide primary, behavioral health, and dental care as well as pharmacy, laboratory, and x-ray services, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay. The Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research (CHPPR) partners with Avenue 360 on their CDC-funded Colorectal Cancer Control and Texas DSHS Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke projects.

360 Avenue 360​​总裁兼首席执行官Charlene A. Flash表示:“我们认为健康状况最广泛。”健康的社会决定因素。”

360大道的独特方面之一是,他们与多个组织合作,以解决饥饿和住房不稳定等社会问题。他们是城市中最大的永久支持住房的提供商之一,与像这样的组织合作无家可归者的医疗保健and救世军to provide further resources to the unhoused. Avenue 360 provides health outreach and other community services through partnerships with organizations such as Houston Food Bank and various faith-based organizations. They work with major hospital systems to navigate patients for extensive patient care andpartner with academic institutions to provide hands-on experience to medical, dental, pharmacy, occupational therapy, and other public health students. And they work to increase cancer screening rates through partnerships with组织这样的组织玫瑰和chppr。

360 Avenue的其他工作包括在Montrose和药物成瘾恢复计划中运营Omega House Aids临终关怀。股份有执照的临床依赖顾问可以提供现场物质使用筛查和干预措施,以及扩大药物辅助治疗计划的组织。现场社会工作者可以为客户可能面临的其他问题提供支持和联系。所有这些计划都为360大道的目标做出了为社区中每个人提供全面护理的目标


CHPPR partners with Avenue 360 and other Texas FQHCsfor the “Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke” project, focused on lowering prediabetes rates through the implementation of the National Diabetes Prevention Program, and the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP), which aims to reduce colorectal cancer and related health disparities by implementing evidence-based interventions in clinics. The CRCCP is working with Avenue 360 clinics to assess their current screening processes and capabilities and identify systematic changes which could result in increased colorectal cancer screening rates. The program also gives the involved FQHCs the opportunity to collaborate, hear from subject-matter experts, and share experiences through collaborative telementoring ECHO sessions.


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