

得克萨斯州癫痫基金会是对癫痫病人的治疗和支持的领导者,提供各种服务,包括医疗诊所,支持小组,夏令营和全州的社区教育。They also partner with other organizations to provide additional resources to people with epilepsy, such as epilepsy self-management programs. The Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research (CHPPR) and Epilepsy Foundation Texas have partnered to implement CHPPR’s心态program,用于诊所的癫痫管理的决策支持工具。

得克萨斯州癫痫基金会计划总监Suzanne Thomas说:“我们的使命是通过提供有价值的信息,计划和服务来支持癫痫患者以及家人。”“我们想说我们提供营地,诊所和教育。”



癫痫基金会得克萨斯州also works to educate communities and raise awareness about epilepsy, seizures, and appropriate first aid through social media awareness raising, community education, and a free certification course for seizure first aid. The Foundation also provides trainings for teachers and school nurses on how to care for children with epilepsy, going beyond administering medication to caring for the whole person.

“Education might not seem like the most exciting thing we do, but educating people about things like the different types of seizures and first aid is so important,” said Thomas. “You never know when you’re going to be the person who has to provide first aid for a seizure.”


“The Tyler clinic is in an area where people couldn’t get a lot of this kind of direct support before, but now patients will get the chance to access the MINDSET program and get connected with a CHW to provide additional resources or wrap-around services,” said Thomas. “We’re excited to get started and we’re already looking to expand to other interested clinics.”

You can learn more about Epilepsy Foundation Texas on他们的网站

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