


今年早些时候UthealthCenter for Health Promotion and Prevention Research (CHPPR)发射保重,德克萨斯州,在线资源,以了解有关的最新信息COVID-19 testing in Texas.保重,德克萨斯州is a part of the服务不足人群的诊断快速加速(radxup)program,旨在开发自适应干预措施,以增加脆弱社区的COVID-19测试.

The project操作in Harris County, Lower Rio Grande Valley, and East Texas, thanks to休斯顿Uthealth公共卫生校园的调查人员之间的合作布朗斯维尔anda partnership with UTHealth Tyler through the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS).Theradxupteam identifiesand tracksCOVID-19 hot spotsand uses targeted community engagement and Community Health Worker (CHW)-delivered education to鼓励测试。他们还开发了COVID-19服务的组织网络,并研究了不同级别的干预措施对这些脆弱社区的影响。

“The right messaging is essential to communicating the importance of testing to vulnerable populations,” saidPaula Cuccaro,博士, 和co投资者RADx/谨慎得克萨斯州.“The保重,德克萨斯州website is just onetool we use inour broad communicationsand outreach努力thatalso包括tailored社交媒体和印刷材料。”

Web-basedt技术学启用aJust In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI)approach toengaging with communities. Data can be kept up-to-date and be delivered as needed togroupsand individuals, and the content of the intervention can be adapted as needed. This is a major advantage for a situation that changes as rapidly as the COVID-19 pandemic.

radxupalso leverages the existing infrastructure and expertise of CHPPR and the Texas Prevention Research Center (TPRC)at UTHealth.ThePACE (Partners Accelerating CancerControl证据)Network, which consists of city and county health departments as well as Federally Qualified Health Centers across the state, is key to organizing CHW training and technical assistancetoincrease the ability of CHWs and health centers to deliver COVID-19 interventions in高优先社区.

校长al Investigators forradxupareDavid McPherson,医学博士,FACP,FACC,法哈,玛丽亚·费尔南德斯(Maria E. Fernandez),博士,玛西娅奥托,博士,Kayo Fujimoto,博士学位,贝琳达替辛格,drph和保罗·麦加哈(Paul McGaha), 做。Cuccaro博士和拉拉·萨瓦斯(Lara Savas),博士,带领theproject’scommunity engagement努力, including theonline campaign.radxupis funded through theNational Institutes of Health (NIH)。

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