

史蒂文·H·凯尔德(Steven H. Kelder)博士,MPH
史蒂文·H·凯尔德(Steven H. Kelder)博士,MPH(照片由Uthealth提供)

As e-cigarette use by young people reaches epidemic proportions, researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Uthealth) have received a $3.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to conduct the first-ever assessment on the long-term results of a nationwide nicotine vaping prevention program for youth called CATCH My Breath.



”Parents across the country are demanding solutions to the youth e-cigarette epidemic. Schools and youth organizations are scrambling for resources to reverse the troubling trends, and this program offers a solution to the problem,” said Steven H. Kelder, PhD, MPH, Beth Toby Grossman Distinguished Professor in Spirituality and Healing at公共卫生学院在奥斯丁。


Uthealth公共卫生学院的专家,以及学校管理人员,健康教育协调员,烟草预防教育者的投入,以及教师,学生和父母,都引起了我的呼吸。课程模型强调由同学领导的积极,以学生为中心的学习,包括小组讨论,目标设定,访谈,技能发展以及分析大众媒体对Vaping流行的报道。该计划是由非营利组织传播的抓住全球基础在2019 - 20年末,在所有50个州的1,500多所学校中,已在1外围beplay,500多所学校中实施,目的是达到1,000,000名学生。

CATCH My Breath was tested in a pilot study in 59 middle schools across seven states and garnered positive feedback from more than 100 teachers and 9,500 students in sixth through eighth grade. According to data presented at the2018 American Public Health Association Conference,与对照学校的学生相比,在我的呼吸试点测试学校中,试验电子烟的可能性要小得多。外围beplay


研究人员beplay苹果手机能用吗警告说,尽管烟雾的长期健康危害尚未完全了解,但大多数吸烟电子烟的青少年都使用含有很高含量尼古丁的气溶胶豆荚 - 根据CDC的说法,这种令人上瘾的物质对此有害,对此有害于发展大脑。这种气溶胶被错误地称为蒸气,可能含有高浓度的刺激性,毒素和致癌物,例如镍,锡和铅,并且与心血管疾病和脑癫痫发作的标记有关。此外,48人死亡在美国已确认与电子烟或烟产品使用相关的肺部损伤。

This week CVS Health Foundation, CATCH Global Foundation, and Discovery Education launchedBe Vape Free, a nationwide initiative to provide standards-aligned, no-cost, e-cigarette prevention resources for educators teaching grades 5-12. Be Vape Free will serve to expand the use of CATCH My Breath to combat the growing vaping epidemic by arming educators, parents, and communities with easy-to-use tools that will help students make smart, informed, and healthy choices for life.

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