Victoria Kwentua named sixth fellow for Sharma family endowed scholarship

维多利亚·克温特(Victoria Kwentua),MPH。(图片由Uthealth摄)
MPH的Victoria Kwentua正在休斯敦Uthealth公共卫生学院攻读健康促进和行为科学博士学位。(图片由Uthealth摄)

休斯顿博士生维多利亚·克温特(Victoria Kwentua),MPH,已被选为2021年秋季Sharma研究员,并得到了德克萨斯大学卫生科学中心的Sharma Endowed Community Nutrition,Health&Wealtness in Sharma Exclore Fund的支持(休斯顿大学休斯顿大学(University of Texas Health Science Center)(UTHealth)。

In 2017, faculty member and alumna Shreela Sharma, PhD, RDN, along with her husband, Vibhu Sharma, established the $200,000 scholarship endowment, which includes a matching donation from the UTHealth Game Changers initiative. The fellowship program is administered through the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living atUTHealth School of Public Health.

研究员每学期获得2,000美元的津贴,有资格获得州内学费,并与更明亮的叮咬, a nonprofit whose mission is to create communities of health through fresh food. Brighter Bites channels surplus produce and nutrition education materials into underserved communities with the goal of changing behavior among children and their parents to prevent obesity and achieve long-term health. The program operates in Houston, Dallas, Austin, Southwest Florida, Washington D.C., and New York City. The competitive fellowship program requires a research commitment of two semesters, at 200 hours per semester.

Kwentua is pursuing her doctorate in health promotion and behavioral sciences at UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston with a minor in epidemiology, and a certificate in maternal and child health. She earned a master’s degree in public health with a concentration in maternal and child health from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth.

“ Vibhu和Shreela Sharma通过这项奖学金表明了他们对公共卫生以及Kwentua女士等学生的承诺。学生的支持及相关工作经验不仅扩大了克温特女士的教育,而且还提高了她在社区营养研究中的技能。”beplay苹果手机能用吗Deanna Hoelscher,RDN博士,RDN,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔健康生活中心主任奥斯汀校园Uthealth公共卫生学院的区域院长。

“I plan to use the fellowship funds primarily to expand my knowledge on childhood obesity and nutrition,” said Kwentua. “I am excited to learn about the innovative programs available to address the needs of children who are just beginning their experiences with healthy foods. This is an important time in their health trajectories, and the ability to be a part of this intervention is a privilege.”

“过去,我主要致力于预防婴儿和儿童死亡率,因此在健康促进方面工作是新鲜空气。我喜欢学习新事物,这是我作为母亲和儿童专业人士和未来教授的经历的一个话题,” Kwentua说。“我想到有多少我认识的孩子长大后可以通过学习营养并开放尝试新食物来从较轻的叮咬中受益。我很高兴能向社区学习,并为他们提供他们继续增强健康和强大所需的任何工具和研究。”beplay苹果手机能用吗

Shreela Sharmais a professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics, and Environmental Sciences at UTHealth School of Public Health and works with the school’s Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living. She is co-founder of Brighter Bites, alongside Lisa Helfman. Vibhu Sharma is CEO of InnoVent Technology, an automation and digital solutions company for the manufacturing industries.

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