休斯顿第一邮递后康维斯诊所的一部分是新Uthealth Covid-19卓越中心

Uthealth研究人员和医生的照片beplay苹果手机能用吗,从左起,路易斯·奥斯特罗斯基(Luis Ostrosky),医学博士;贝拉·帕特尔(Bela Patel),医学博士;MPH的医学博士亨利·王(Henry Wang)在Covid-19上领导了临床试验。(Maricruz Kwon/Uthealth摄影)
Uthealth的beplay苹果手机能用吗研究人员和医生,从左起,路易斯·奥斯特罗斯基(Luis Ostrosky),医学博士;贝拉·帕特尔(Bela Patel),医学博士;MPH的医学博士亨利·王(Henry Wang)在Covid-19上领导了临床试验。(Maricruz Kwon/Uthealth摄影)

Bringing together expertise and access to the best clinical care, research trials, discovery science, and public health knowledge, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) has established theUthealth Covid-19卓越中心


“The UTHealth COVID-19 Center of Excellence brings together our university’s experts in adult and pediatric specialty care, public health, biomedical research and big data analytics—all working to provide the best outcomes for our patients, the best public health and prevention practices for our community, and the best therapies for the virus’ short and long-term impacts.” said Giuseppe N. Colasurdo, MD, president of UTHealth and Alkek-Williams Distinguished Chair.

由于该病毒已成为主要的公共卫生威胁,因此UTHEADY教师一直处于大流行反应的前线。McGovern医学院的科学家和医生领导了临床试验和治疗方案,其中包括世界上首次在冠状病毒患者中进行的双肺手术之一。Uthealth参加了一些最大的national clinical trialsto help heal COVID-19 patients, ranging from studies to prevent the progression of the disease, to ones designed to find proven treatments for those who are critically ill.

新资金包括来自国立卫生研究院的800万美元赠款,以调查是否是否convalescent plasma infusions可以防止在该国最早的随机临床试验之一中,COVID-19的进展。另一个研究团队正beplay苹果手机能用吗在评估口头HIF-inhibitor可以保护Covid-19患者的肺部,为急性呼吸窘迫综合征提供有效的治疗方法,这是该病毒最致命的后果之一。这样的试验是giving hope给受UTHealth专家治疗的患者。

Leaders at UTHealth School of Public Health continue to advise local and state officials on best practices for minimizing the spread. Researchers at Cizik School of Nursing are studying the socioeconomic and mental health effects of the virus on Hispanics, while members of the MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences are exploring how the time of day a medication is taken could help a COVID-19 patient. And experts at UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics are using big data in the fight against COVID-19.

“在我们的六所学校中,我们拥有广外围beplay泛的专业知识,使我们成为通过大流行及其他地区帮助社区,得克萨斯州和国家的少数大学之一。”Uthealth和William S. Kilroy的首席学术官,高级杰出大学主席。“这始于惊人的临床护理,Covid-19试验,实时translational research,以及我们公共卫生领导者的专家知识。”


The UT Physicians post-COVID adult and pediatric clinic includes specialists in cardiology, general medicine, neurology, infectious disease, pulmonology, psychiatry, and otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat). Telehealth and in-person visits are both available.

The future of the Center of Excellence includes the advancement of reliable testing for the virus, validating effective therapies, applying大数据分析和人工智能,以提高护理和研究效率,并使用多样化的患者人群在集中的生物库中收集样品,以了解遗传学如beplay苹果手机能用吗何影响病毒严重程度的长期影响。公共卫生学院正在领导建立与得克萨斯州东南部合作伙伴进行的纵向Covid-19+队列研究,以评估病毒的长期后果,确定导致严重结果的因素,并允许Uthealth专家开发和实施治疗方法更有效。此外,将建立一个社区信息交流,以将弱势群体与医疗保健和社会服务提供商联系起来,以帮助满足与健康决定因素(例如住房和食物的社会决定因素)相关的需求。



Established in 1972 byThe University of Texas System Board of Regents,休Beplay体育中心斯顿大学(UTHealth)的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(UTHealth)是休斯顿医疗大学和德克萨斯州的医疗保健教育资源,创新,科学发现和卓越的患者护理。最全面的学术健康中心UT系统和the U.S. Gulf Coast region, UTHealth is home to简和罗伯特·西齐克护理学院,,,,John P.和Kathrine G. McGovern医学院和学校外围beplay生物医学信息学,,,,biomedical sciences,,,,牙科,,,,公共卫生。Uthealthincludes theUthealth Harris县精神病中心以及不断增长的临床实践UT医生,,,,UT牙医,,,,UT Health Services。The university’s primary teaching hospitals are纪念赫尔曼 - 德克萨斯医疗中心,,,,儿童纪念赫尔曼医院,,,,Harris Health Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital。For more information, visitwww.tjghsg.com

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