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帕特里夏·米亚塔(Patricia Miata)的照片,她的丈夫约翰(John)和他们的狗柴油(Dog Diesel)在帕特里夏(Patricia)从中风恢复启发后拍摄照片。(图片来源:John Miata)
Patricia Miata, her husband John, and their dog Diesel posed for a photo after Patricia's inspirational recovery from stroke. (Photo credit: John Miata)

During a time when many people are delaying appropriate health care due to fear of COVID-19, Patricia Miata, 58, says timely treatment is ultimately what saved her life after suffering a stroke. She survived a left middle cerebral artery (MCA) ischemic stroke, one of the worst types that is known for leaving patients with severe disabilities.

Patricia couldn’t walk or speak after the stroke in February of 2018 – the only thing she could say was her dog’s name, Diesel. She also experienced some vision loss. But just eight months later, she was back to work and even back to her exercise routine, thanks to timely treatment from neurologists with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).


“I just fell out of my chair,” Patricia said. “I had the sense to crawl to the oven to turn it off, then I army crawled out my front door, across the concrete, just yelling out into the neighborhood for help.”





“We had been taken into a room in the emergency department and I heard someone talking, but no one there,” said Patricia’s husband John Miata, who had met her there at the hospital. “I heard it again and realized there was a robotic computer rolling up to me and a doctor was on the screen trying to look at Trish. She was trying to assess whether to give her tPA.”

“UTHealth Teleneurology疼痛。病人就医时最多可以确保中风主诉ts can be cared for by stroke specialists in any emergency room, 24/7,” Cossey said. “We are able to quickly assess the patient, start treatment, facilitate advanced treatments such as thrombectomy, and expedite transfers when appropriate. Based on the neurological exam performed virtually, I could tell that Mrs. Miata had suffered one of the worst types of stroke and a sizable portion of her brain was affected.”



“在我到达医院后的16分钟内,进行TPA治疗如此之快 - 直接的血栓切除术对我能够像现在一样能够发挥作用给我带来了很大的影响。当我仍在重症监护病房时,我能够开始身体,职业和语音疗法。他们建议越早建议,这对我的康复产生了很大的影响。许多人比我经历的情况还要糟糕,因为他们没有得到很快的待遇。”帕特里夏说。


Post-stroke recovery and rehabilitation


Patricia was dealing with aphasia, or the inability to speak, and loss of sensation and slight weakness on her right side from head to toe, which are both common residual deficits of stroke. She was referred to Reza Sadeghi, MD,,,,a neurologist with McGovern Medical School and UTHealth Neurosciences, for post-stroke recovery to help gain back her speech and body movement.

“Dr. Sadeghi helped us work through all the different stages of Trish’s recovery,” John said. “His encouragement and his awe of Trish encouraged us to keep pushing through – of course with the aphasia and also when she was having headaches, cramps, or any other leftover symptoms. He was so easy to talk to, and told you like it was – he told us she may never get feeling back completely on the right side, which she hasn’t, but that’s okay because he helped us to figure out ways to make everything work in spite of that.”

In just eight months after the stroke, Patricia was able to return to her job as a registrar at a local high school. Sadeghi also referred her to different rehab programs – two local inpatient programs and a more advanced outpatient one at TIRR Memorial Hermann that helped her gain back even more strength, so she was also able to walk and run with Diesel.

“She blew them away at both rehab programs,” John said. “They would give her packets to practice her speech and exercise to help with movement and she was always asking for more. She has been active her whole life and was determined to get back to that. We even went hiking in Colorado just a little over a year after the stroke and she was doing great – right after the stroke she couldn’t walk at all and there she was walking the trails.”

萨迪(Sadeghi)推荐了一种可以帮助她打字的软件 - 她可以在其中说话,它将输入她的需求。

“I still struggle sometimes with spelling but the program helps me with that,” Patricia said.

Back to regular life

Now, Patricia still has partial loss of sensation in the right side of her body, but she’s back to normal in all other respects, even driving.


She went from monthly meetings with Sadeghi to yearly, and now simply on an as-needed basis.



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